Remliel saw the new girl and gave her a wave, right before exiting the room to check out the commotion. Just a moment ago, she and pretty much everyone else had heard a gunshot ring through the dorm, followed shortly by shouts and the sound of a mob. "Now what in the name of the Aeons is going on here," she muttered. Looking down towards the sound of the mob. There, she saw several students ganging up on a single dude. "Oh hey now, that ain't fair!" she shouted outloud. She jumped straight down from her floor, no magic augmentation at all, and landed with a dull thud, looking completely fine, if a little excited and a bit annoyed. "No ganging up on one person! If you're going to beat him up do it fair and square!" If they complied, she would leave them alone and probably ask why they were mugging him, if they refused, she would start a brawl right then and there. She was hoping they would say 'no'.