"Yeah, that was healing magic..." Mikkish said to the girl that approached him, yet stared at the guy who pointed him out with a vengeful glare "And this is ass kicking magic." He said, speed dashing at the guy, and punching him with so much force, it dislocated his shoulder. Mikkish' attack came out of nowhere, and the kid who caused the mob to attack Mikkish didn't know what hit him, even now that he was on the ground, yelling with pain about what Mikkish just did. But before Mikkish took the time to brag, or call the kid a princess, a pussyshit, or some other form of vulgar insult, he couldn't help but wonder...how the fuck was David now standing there, after being shot in the head? "Are you for real, dude?" Mikkish was truly beginning to wonder what the deal was with David. A super strength retard? Well yeah, how else could a retard get into a college like this one? The guy didn't look very muscular. It was obviously magic. But carrying a tiger around...and surviving a bullet to the head? Unreal.