As the morning sunlight permeated through the room, Lucas rose with a groan, rubbing his eyes. He looked down to his side, smiling slightly as he gazed on Minako's sleeping form for a second before he got out of bed. After a quick shower, he threw on a shirt and pants before stepping out into the apartment's living room. "Oi, wake up." Lucas prodded a slumbering Elecmon awake. "Morning." Elecmon grumbled as he slowly rose from the couch he had been sleeping on, hopping off onto the floor. "Time to go, then?" "Yeah," Lucas replied absentmindedly as he raided Minako's fridge in the kitchen, taking out a can of coffee for himself and a packet of curry bread for Elecmon. "Eat fast, we're doing the stuffed animal routine all the way back to my apartment." He tossed the curry bread at Elecmon before leaving a note for Minako on the table. "Bloody fucking hell." Elecmon sighed dejectedly as he tore open the packaging and started munching on the baked treat. ___ Half an hour later, Lucas stepped back into his apartment with Elecmon in tow, who he finally set down on the floor. "Sovereigns damn it, I hate trains." Elecmon spat as he followed Lucas inside. "It's not natural to cram so many into so small a space." "Yeah, that's just the Tokyo subway." Lucas replied as he shrugged his clothes off, setting them down in his laundry hamper before heading over to his closet. "Trains in less crowded areas are a hell of a lot nicer." He said as he started to put on a clean white dress shirt, a two-piece black business suit, and a navy blue silk tie. After he finished, Lucas pulled out a large attache case out of his closet before gesturing to Elecmon. "Sorry, man, but we both knew this was coming. Only way we're going to get you into the building." "I know, I know." Elecmon said, resigned to his fate. "I'll live. At least I don't have to stay like a corpse inside the briefcase." Lucas stayed silent for a moment as he pulled out one last item tucked into the back of his closet, examining it for a moment before slipping it into the pocket of his jacket. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you tonight if it everything works out and we don't die. We'll go out to an izakaya and get absolutely batshit wasted." He grinned as he gestured to the attache case. "Now get in here." ___ Just before noon, a train pulled into Shibuya Station, and Lucas emerged first, tugging at his tie with one hand while carrying a rather packed briefcase with the other, looking like any other young professional. He frowned as he scanned the crowd in the station, seeing no sign of Leon yet...but Jordan was here, for some reason. Lucas raised an eyebrow. Right, that guy that had showed up randomly at his apartment before they had all gone to the Digital World. He barely knew the teenager, but that wasn't exactly his problem. Still, best to check up on him. "Jordan." Lucas nodded as he approached. "You waiting around for a date or something?" He asked casually, glancing down at the bag he was carrying before looking at the teenager's attire. Loitering around in a long coat and clutching a bag? If this wasn't Japan, he'd have pegged him for a dealer. "Because if you are, let me tell you something: you look like a goddamn drug dealer. And unless there's some weird Japanese fetish for shady stoners these days, chicks aren't really into that, you know."