[quote=@Musoka] I was probably gunna fill in the power submission guy. I always liked them as huge hurdles and I always love a Monster Heel....not as much as Vince seems to like them...but you know. [/quote] Not as much as Vince loves putting over 50 year olds. What do you mean Sting vs Haitch at Mania was actually good? Shut up! [quote=@Jordan] Vince is losing it, man, I'm telling you. I'd like to make one main event guy and a midcard guy. Or just the midcard guy... so many options! [/quote] Heck man, if I were to attempt to make a main eventer it'd probably just end up being the Taker-Wyatt-Gangrel-Raven analogue. So far I think I'm going to focus on my midcarder's (or maybe he'd technically be a jobber since he's a fresh face? Who knows, all depends on how much heat he gathers.) progression to super-stardom. I may or may not be saying this mainly because I've got a move-set, finisher and stuff in mind already. Then again an American would probably be far more plausible than a dude from Japan, but fuck it, he's over Maggle!