David nodded at Mikkish wiping his bloody head with his bare forearm. “Yeah I think I’m pretty real.” He said. “I thiiiiiiink.” He frowned. "It sure would be weird if I wasn't real!" David groaned, pain shooting through his head, that bullet had done its best to give his rock like a head a fracture.....whatever a fracture was but smart people in white coats used it. "What kinda fly hit me?" David asked. [b]"It wasn't a fly you moron, you were fucking shot. I shouldn't of warned you either in fact I should of told you to open your fucking mouth and let your brains explode."[/b] "Well that's not very nice Junior." David seemingly talking to nobody. [b]"Of course its not nice I'm a fucking demon![/b] "OMG!" David said. "Just like OMG! That is the CUUUUUUUUUUTEST NICKNAME LIKE EVEEEEEEER! David and demon! Daemon can be our official couple name." [b]Our what!?[/b] "I don't know but I know people really like fusing the names of people when they like each other like mommy's and daddy's do." David looked at Mikkish after speaking to Junior. "But yeah I'm pretty real." He looked over at Remliel. "Mikkish! The mean girl who yelled at me earlier is in trouble...." David knew....David knew this was the chance to prove himself. "I'm gonna save her." David said. He'd need to consult Junior for this. "What should I do?" David asked. [b]Why do you even care?[/b] "Well she'll probably be nice to me if I save her." David said. "I like it when girls are nice to me." [b]"Oh well then I have the perfect idea.[/b] David beamed. “Really?” [b]“Oh yeah.”[/b] Junior said and relayed the idea to his host. “Junior.” David said. “That is genius!” [b]“Isn’t it? Muahahahhaha, its fan-fuckingtastic!” [/b] David gave one last glance at the angry mob before leaving for exactly several seconds disappearing before he returned……. His face still bloody, his skin pale and a look of excitement in his eyes as he suddenly reappeared he smiled at the arguing group. David was dragging along a now partially dented pickup truck with its windows shattered, the metal of the truck screeching across the ground sparking flying in various directions. "Hey!" David woozily called to Rem and he strained for a moment but with a massive snap of his left arm he sent the truck tumbling towards the mob....Rem included. Unlike the bus it didn't soar through the air but flipped and rolled like a destructive soccer ball.....a soccer ball that weighed as much as a truck and looked like a truck! "Okay!" David called. "That's not a bus so that should be A-OKAY!" He said giving a thumbs up, watching it go hoping he did good.....he knew he did GOOD!