[hider=Selene][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Tau4WIy.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [center][b]Name[/b] Selene Slakmung [b]Age[/b] 18 years old [b]Location[/b] Republic City [b]Type[/b] Swampbender [b]Element[/b] Water [b]Occupation[/b] Herb merchant [b]Personality[/b] Selene is a little confused by everything around her in the city, seeing as how most of her life was spent in the swamps, and so most new technology was basically unknown to her, especially the cars. She tries to use the charms that she learned in the swamps to sell her goods, though that tends to gross people out. The situation of the city wasn't apparent to her until she got there, the swamp being a distant place. She is used to dirty things, so the mud and the dirt never bothered her. She tries to make friends with the city people as often as possible, even if it gets to the point where everyone knows her well enough to avoid her, causing a downer on her business. Her manners are incredibly lacking, and she spits a lot. [b]Additional Information[/b] Selene was sent by her parents for the purpose of selling the herbs that grow naturally in the swamp, though for some reason her parents told her not to mention the swamp part. She knows multiple herbal remedies, and also is a fair hand at cooking, her favorite recipe being boiled swamp lizard. Owns a pet jaguar-cat named Murgo[/center] [hider=Murgo][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/FAp7MWG.jpg[/IMG][/hider]