It must of been what? A week? maybe less. Since Sofia had become a part of the Outsiders, how the heck Fenrir got to pick her for his team was beyond her, But at least now she was not on the run and had some what of a home. She spent the week settling into her new room, Making it how she liked it but had not unpacked everything. Instead she mostly spent the time reading files and reports on the team, previous mission and the training chaos, To say the least she was not impressed given the mix match going on with this mixture of Meta's, However Sofia was not much or used to being a team player given her history and probably would not of fair better in the training herself. The other part of the week was spent in the gym, keeping active and sorting out her gear and equipment, She never really spoke much but when she did it was always a bit blunt but always honest in her opinion. One of those Opinions Sofia had brought forward was the little one. Belle. The youngest member of the team at ten years old, Sofia felt it was no place to have the younger, The league of shadows was something entirely different and despite her power, she was simply undisciplined and uncontrolled. The report proved this when she wrecked the [i]'Cruiser'[/i] in the last mission because she was kept back for her own safety. It probably did not get her any popularity but it was simply Sofia being right, The League of shadows could do a lot of damage to the elder members of the group let alone a child. Prior to departure Sofia suited up, doubled check her equipment was in working order and secured her armour onto said suit, it fitted like a glove. On the journey over it was a quiet ride, Everyone was doing there own thing before the silence was broken. Sofia on the other hand was reading up on league of shadows files that were available to the Outsiders, This was not going to be an easy mission by any stretch of the imagination and while Sofia may be good in hand to hand, These people were better, The best so she would need to mix her abilities with her powers and hope it will level the playing field on her opponent or opponents, Considering they'll be no doubt out numbered. She listened carefully to the questions being asked and the answers that were given from their leader, The reports alone made it quite clear what they were up against and simply walking through the front door was not a smart move. When they had come across the place or beauty before them out the window, It gave Veracruz time to pause for a moment and take in the view, Prying her eyes away from her reading and listening. words could not describe the wonder although it be be cool if the Outsiders had a place like this. Taking her left leg of her right where it was resting, The telekinetic adjusted herself in the seat when Fenrir ask about any last questions. [color=00aeef]" What about our point of entry? "[/color] She said looking down at the file once more before looking up at the team.[color=00aeef] " And once inside what do you really plan to do? We can't bring to much attention to ourselves to quickly otherwise we'll be overwhelmed in minutes, we need to take full advantage of the element of surprise"[/color] She knew they couldn't just simply knock on the front and start pelting everything in sight, the last mission proved that was no a good idea, this had to be a more controlled mission if such a thing was possible.