[center][h3][color=#535d60]Felix Lancaster[/color][/h3] [color=#535d60]The Magnet Mage[/color][/center] Felix laughed heartily as Fleo inched closer. She was making him work, and he felt that, just as they had discussed before, they were doing the same thing in different ways. It was definitely exhilarating to be racing like this, a friendly challenge between guildmates. And it was a great way to increase their appetites! They’d be ready for a buffet of pancakes when they got there! They were close enough that Felix thought he could spot a sign for the pancake shop, not relying on Fleo’s movements to tell him when to turn. That’s when he heard the explosion. He felt the rumble even though he wasn’t actually touching the ground. He stopped almost immediately and quickly spun towards the fallen building. [color=#535d60][b]”Fleo! Did you hear that?! We have to go help!”[/b][/color] He looked for her reaction for a moment, then sped forward, launching himself to a nearby rooftop so he could bypass street traffic. Being this far from the ores in the ground, he couldn’t levitate as well so he simply released some iron sand from his containers, creating a small platform beneath his feet so he could magnetically jump from one roof to the next. Normally, this would be incredibly fun, but all Felix could think was that he wasn’t moving fast enough. As he jumped he pulled more iron sand out of his containers, coating his hands and arms in metal and shaping a short blade in his right hand. He kept a ball of condensed granules in his left in case the situation didn’t actually require combat. His gut told me magic was behind this, but he supposed it could have really been anything. By the time Felix got to the scene, the building was still collapsing on itself, throwing debris into the crowd of people who had obviously left the tavern in the chaos. Many were running, but the rest definitely couldn’t get out of the way in time. Felix focused for a moment and then launched himself harder than normal into the crowd, thankfully missing everyone, and threw up his hands. [color=#535d60][b]”Magnetic Iron Shield!”[/b][/color] All of the iron he had on him collected into a dome above him and as much of the crowd as he could cover. He even pulled up other small pieces of metal that were nearby and attached them to the shield, making the edges of the construct look like an amalgamation of kitchen utensils and small pieces of jewelry. Any metal from the falling building, however, would be repelled as it hit the charge of the shield. The wood and stone, however, would hit the shield and bounce off. The dome rang like a bell as more and more debris crashed off of it., and he stretched the dome so it covered the entrance to an alleyway behind him. [color=#535d60][b]”Run! That way!”[/b][/color] He was still fairly certain that there was someone behind the destruction and he wanted to be ready to face them if necessary. He couldn’t protect himself and hold up a shield this big. There wasn’t enough metal around for him to manipulate into a serviceable weapon. He saw Amaya in the crowd and nodded to her, trying to get her attention. [color=#535d60][b]"Did you see who did this?[/b][/color]