The small, cartoonish looking bear slammed it's honey pot into the creature's head with a powerful crack and sent the large creature flying. Still with her arms out, Van stared slack jaw at the furry animal. It reached up to her waist, but seemed to have the power of multiple grown men in that hit alone. The creature lie dazed on its back and Van beckoned to Malcolm once more. "Oof," Van huffed as Malcolm dropped ungracefully into her arms. She let him onto his feet and did not hesitate to follow the bear, as it waddled away from the creature that would regain its bearings in a few moments time. She sprinted ahead as Malcolm picked up the bear and followed suit. A roar from behind them shook the earth, and the rumbling started again as the creature gave chase. "Which way?!" Van yelled, heart pounding in her chest. She rubbed at her eyes again, willing herself not to cry; there was no time to bemoan over the circumstances--she had to get to safety. The yellow bear in Malcolm's grip pointed to the right, and she skidded, stumbling over a tree root. They sprinted away from the creature, which had slowed for some inexplicable reason. Still running, Van turned to look back, and saw it struggle to keep up; it was an aquatic animal with short legs, and it seemed to be waddling more than running. They turned another sharp corner and disappeared out of the creature's line of sight. If they were to keep running, they would tired out. She looked back to see if the beast was in view, and saw a large hollow carved into the base of a particularly enormous tree. "There!" she said, turning back to run to it. She collapsed inside the meager protection that the hollow provided and pulled her knees to her chest. She tipped her head back, closed her eyes, and willed her heart to quiet down, hoping that the beast would run right past them.