Van felt a sudden clack as she fell backwards. She found herself looking up into a furnished room inside the tree. There wasn't much time to think on how strange this was as the bear, carried by Malcolm, entered inside and closed the door behind them. The yellow bear then hopped out of Malcolm's grip and waddled over to a cord by the door which he pulled. From a small window which had been made Malcolm could see a large bush fall into place in front of the door. 'Oh my, Pooh' said another voice. The sound of tiny feet tapping across the earthy floor approached Malcolm, Van and the Bear. It was a little person, no bigger than Malcolm's foot, that at once looked like a piglet but, like the bear, with decidedly human characteristics. [img][/img] 'It's alright, Piglet, we gave the Feraligator's the slip' said the bear. This didn't calm Piglet much. 'But Pooh, what if we're found, what will we do, oh...' Pooh sat in a chair in the middle of the room, which had all the amenities a cottage might have. Malcolm wondered how long it took them to make a place like this, especially with those creatures waiting to attack them outside. 'Come in children, make yourself at home' said Pooh 'we have some food if you're hungry...but I'm afraid we do not have a smackeral of honey left' Piglet seemed to calm just a bit. 'Would you like some tea?' said Piglet 'I just boiled the kettle' Malcolm wasn't hungry. He declined. He didn't know whether to ask questions about all this now. Or later.