Red was closing in on the out of control hype with every agonizing, grating step. Every moment felt like it could be his last, like the immutable force of gravity was going to finally crush the life from his feeble flesh. Thought left him, making way for nothing more than animal instinct, his fight or flight reflex keyed all the way to extreme 'fight'. Something was hurting him, that something was the hype, and he was going to stop that hype no matter what. His breath came in wheezy snarls through grit teeth. Ghrrr, ghrr, ghrrr, ghrrr. Like an old and tired lion dragging itself towards an injured gazelle. He wasn't far now. He could taste the kill. . . Suddenly and without warning the pressure stopped. It didn't ease, it just stopped, the crushing weight of earlier replaced with a [i]weightlessness[/i], as if Red was floating through the air. It took him a moment to realize that floating was exactly what he was doing. [COLOR=DARKRED]"Ah balls!"[/COLOR] He shouted, slowly elevating higher and higher, no way to stop or slow himself. Ten feet, fifteen feet, twenty feet. Fear started to grip him as he realized that he was probably going to just keep on floating, clearing the tops of the buildings all around him as he continued his journey towards the heavens. Eventually he would hit a point where the oxygen would be too thin to breath, and hype abilities or not he needed to breath. Flapping his arms wildly did nothing to bring him closer to the earth, nor did shouting profanity at the hype responsible. Well fuck, if this wasn't a hopeless predicament he didn't know what was. He was eighty feet in the air when gravity sorted itself out, but Red was already falling before he realized everything was back to normal. . . Or as normal as things can be for a man hurtling through the air towards the hard concrete. He managed to get out one short yelp before his body smashed into the ground. If his body hadn't been so powered after fighting with gravity earlier then he would have almost certainly broken every bone in his body. As things was it just hurt like hell. He allowed himself a moment of rolling in pain, before pushing himself back to his feet, ready to charge the out of control hype once more. It looked like he was already unconscious though, Red hoping he wouldn't have to intervene anymore. It wasn't like it had worked out well for him so far.