So let's do that exercise. As Trinais is suggesting this, I will assign him co-GM status and make this his baby. [quote=@Trinais] Hello Mr/Mrs Seuss! One thing I thought might be helpful to add to the CS is either an RP sample (to make sure everyone uses good punctuation) or what I like to call the "Yes, and" clause. When I DM my tabletop group, the first person to present a backstory gets special attention, and everyone has to follow their story with a "Yes, and!" about how they met the character. Example: Player 1: My character escaped from prison, being wrongfully accused of theft. Player 2: Yes, and my character helped them escape, because I committed the theft and she took the fall for me. Player 3: Yes, and my character was going to buy the stolen item, so I gave them shelter after the escape! Just something that may help, depending on your vision for the RP. [/quote] [quote=@solamelike] Thought I would join you lovely folks. [/quote] Approved. As to Barnes, I started off doing a werewolf, switched tacks and went Werejaguar, and built off a character I'm doing in another RP about the Vietnam War. So go fig, I came out with the 'his ass got drafted into the 'Nam' story. Remember the tiger scene from Apocalypse Now? Yeah, that's why I said "Werejaguar is way better here."