[b]3:45pm – Oxford, England: Midnight Pub & Café[/b] “Hey did you hear about that bank robber?” the chattery character Mason stated as he looked to the iron gray eyes of his co-worker. “Oh him? Yea kind of…” he took a sip of the tea that had been given him and felt himself restrain a wince. It tasted weak. “They said that everything in his heists were frozen! Do you think he used some kind of chemical?” Jaden frowned when the curvy blonde barista Kelsie walked over. “Frozen over? Really? What could cause that?” asked Mason. Jaden felt himself narrow his eyes. Was it possible that someone was out there like him? He glanced at the rough iron cup sitting at the middle of the table in questioning before watching the object slightly indent. He sighed not liking the lack of control he had on his abilities yet. Apparently Iron was as stubborn as a mule. “Nitrogen would be the most likely case – but someone who touches it would die because it freezes and destroys what it touches,” he said in a half-bored tone. “Really? Do you think he figured out how to use it?” Jaden glanced at Kelsie. “I guess….its been used in science and in warfare for years….its on the periodic table remember?” the two nodded. “Why aren’t you in school Jaden? Your so smart!” Kelsie stated with a giggle. “Yea….I bet you could get into one of the preparatory schools with ease.” Jaden sighed and finished the cup of tea. “I don’t want people gawking at me….besides….I prefer the least bit of interaction with humans as possible….” The two of them he knew were looking at him in questioning. They didn’t know what he was, none of the people he was around had even an inkling of what it was like though – why should they? They were normal, had boring average lives, and didn’t have to worry about accidently turning their teeth or nails into a metal without maintaining focus or over consuming an element that could potentially make them weak and sickly. Jaden picked up the dishes on the table next to them and glanced at their staring eyes. “You aren’t that weird…” Jaden bristled visibly. “Not….that….weird….what the HELL!” he rounded on the other and went rigid as he felt a chilling slide of cold metal run up his arm. A bracelet made of iron – purely and enough for him to use to defend himself alongside the marble on his necklace…just in case. But this wasn’t a dangerous threat – it was a co-worker who hadn’t meant to make him feel irritated….he was just being his normal self but…this. Jaden shivered as he felt the bracelet form back to normal and took a deep breath. “S-Sorry…I didn’t meant to make you mad…” Jaden glanced at the boy. “Its fine…I don’t want people asking questions of why I’m so far from America….its no ones business….thanks for the idea but I’d rather not crowd myself amongst human beings.” Kelsie frowned as he turned back to putting items on the tray and getting things set up for their evening crowd. “Don’t talk like you’re different from us,” she said. “Am I like you?” Mason came to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He tensed and glanced at the other. “Your human too – don’t talk like you aren’t,” he stated with a smile. “I’m human too…sure…” he walked away and looked down as he entered the back room and began putting the dishes into the sink for their washer Timmy to start on them when he got back from his last class of the day at New College Academy. “And your fools for thinking that.” Mason and Kelsie were nice, they were a fairly good description of how humans were supposed to be. Kind, honest, hardworking, sympathetic, and innocent to the reality of the world – how dumb could they be though? Him? Human? Jaden shook his head. What had made them believe he was friends with them? True, he was polite – but he didn’t want friends. His at one point best friend and a girl he had honestly had quite the crush on Rissa Harper had seen what he’d done before he’d vanished from America and the look on her face was nothing short of disgust. [i]“You’re a monster! Stay away from me!” [/i] He had realized so quickly that day that she was right – himself and anyone else out there in the world who had these powers…whatever they may be…were monsters. Why had he even bothered to defend himself? Why hadn’t he just let those guys kill him? Was it because of Rissa? He sighed as he smiled solemly and sighed. “Monster….demon….inhuman…..why do I have the title of Guardian then? Rissa didn’t think that…and I’m not much of a guardian if I keep being so distant from people…” “God your emo! Cheer up!” he swung around to see Kelsie standing there with a smile. “What are you doing? We need to go back out in a minute for the dinner crowd!” he declared this and she stepped forward. “Well I….wanted to make sure you were okay because of what you said earlier.” Jaden stared momentarily. “I’m fine…just tired….you both know how odd I can be when I’m tired,” he answered this and she came a little closer. “I’m glad…now…are you ready to face the dinner crowd?” Jade looked her over and nodded slowly. The girl turned and looked to him with crystal blue eyes sparkling. “Sure…oh and by the way….” He stepped ahead of her. “What?” she asked with a smile. “You brew your tea far to weak – what kind of English girl are you?” with that he stepped out. “JADEN I’M IRISH! YOU KNOW THAT!” She said as she came out whining and fussing at him as he grabbed a pitcher of ice water and looked at Mason. “Calm your girlfriend down.” The ginger sputtered at the statement. “G-G-GIRLFRIEND? I’ll have you know that we’re….” Jaden went to move the pitcher and then picked up the broom to sweep a bit. “Uhuh….I’ll believe that when I don’t see you two woven together under a streetlight when I go out for a walk in the evenings,” he said giving them a bland expression as their faces went blood red. “Jaden…you scare me sometimes.” He glanced to the side from under his bangs and grinned. “Then be afraid….a good dosage of fear is healthy,” he said. Mason gulped. “Yup….scary.” [i]“More than you hopefully will ever know.” [/i]