[center] [img]http://www.tutorialking.eu/images/large/1663-create-dramatic-meteor-and-burning-city-effect-in-photoshop.jpg[/img] [color=f26522][h1][u]Flames of the Revolution[/u][/h1][/color] [s][i]There exist three sections in the universe. One of light, one of shadow, and the boundary that separates them. Our world, the core of the boundary, has developed a society reminiscent of our own. The beings of the shadow realm, shades, are a violent people, however, and will stop at nothing to destroy the realm of light and all that stand in its path. To destroy the boundary, its core must be destroyed as well. The shades have waited, amassing power to begin the initial assault. They've encased the core with shadows, allowing them free reign upon it to begin the second phase of their plan; the world's total destruction. Modern weapons are completely ineffective against them. The beings from the realm of light, lumiens, however, decide to take action to prevent the looming destruction on their doorstep. Lumiens are incapable of offensive magic, so they gift humanity with their energy source, Ren, to tap into their potential towards the magical arts. This allows humanity to cast spells and forge soul weapons, giving them one final shred of hope against their adversaries. We are the [b]Dawn Bringers,[/b] a ragtag group of Ren-eaters whose skills dwarf regular footsoldiers. Our group is split off of the military to do as we wish, with one goal in mind; defeating the Prince of Shadows, Rariik, and his four generals before they amass enough power to deal the finishing blow upon our world. Our work deals heavily with fighting larger shadow creatures that the regular military can't handle, gathering information as you assess the situation, and inevitably fighting toe-to-toe with Rariik's most powerful allies. The fate of the revolution, and the world, are in our hands... [/i] [color=a0410d][h3][u]The Dawnbringers[/u][/h3][/color] William Cesana - Leysos Alexander Atreides - Eisenhorn [/s][/center] Closing the RP. I might revive it in the future, but I can't handle a larger RP right now.