[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3yC4Obm.png[/img][/center] [center][i]In a universe comprising copies of copies, you are the original version of yourself.[/i][/center] Years ago, a great calamity fell from the heavens and the world of Libra was stricken with a terrible malady that turned both man and beast into monsters. They named it the Divine Disease and its heralds the Mordrem. In order to prevent total annihilation, humanity built a massive terraformed space habitat named Elysium to which they escaped and left the world below. The Mordrem thrive on the consumption of spirits, which are an important part of Libra’s ecosystem. Because of this, the spirits within all things of nature—mountains and rivers, flowers and trees, thunder and wind—abandoned their natural embodiments and sought refuge in beings of prominence in order to protect themselves from the Mordrem. The people who were chosen by spirits became known as Guardians. They can exert the natural power of spirits as magic, and therefore a valuable asset in the war against the Great Threat. Humanity’s primary concern is to retake the world that they have lost. In this great endeavor they formed the United Defense Force, which is an independent military coalition with its base of operations and training on Elysium. All men and women are encouraged to join this Great War Machine and do their part. However, the corrupt politics of Elysium has brainwashed its aristocratical society to focus on the Golden Future, an imaginary utopia beyond the stars. While the rich and powerful live safely on Elysium—basking in luxuries of android servants, advanced medical technology, and healthy nourishment—the impoverished suffer on the surface of Libra, which is overpopulated, polluted, stagnant, and constantly ravaged by natural disasters and the Mordrem. You are a Guardian, who recently graduated from a military academy on Elysium and is ready to join the United Defense Force. The squad to which you have been assigned consists of your friends that you went to school with. On your first mission together, which is to secure valuable assets in a city under siege, you accidentally discover highly classified information about the Golden Future. This sparks a chain of events that will lead to the realization that you have a much greater purpose in the cosmos than you could possibly imagine. [b]Information[/b] [i]1.//[/i] This is a Final Fantasy-esque, epic journey story with a lot of conflict and dilemmas. The characters in such medium are usually vivid and exaggerated. There is also a notion of low life, high technology accompanied by melee and ranged weaponry, magic, Mechs and drones, and teleportation devices. Magic takes the form of various elements. [i]2.//[/i] I use a simple system for combat. It does not involve dice or chance. Everything your character does counts towards a number, a meter of sorts. When the number has been met, the enemy can be defeated. I also use a lot of reference images and music for my roleplays. Further, I also make use of different ‘timelines’ should they be needed. [i]3.//[/i] The only thing that I ask of you is that you match your writing standards to mine, or present something superior. I would also like to know if you have to leave the roleplay before it is finished. I do not hold grudges and I do not get mad about such things, so there is no reason to simply disappear. I also believe that everyone deserves a second chance. [i]4.//[/i] A lot of the information that will be presented in a possible out of character thread should be credited to two dear friends of mine, who helped me tremendously. They know who they are, and I love them no matter what happens in this life or the next. I have dragged them through the mud with my perfectionism and impulsiveness, thus I hope that they will forgive me someday. [i]5.//[/i] I am looking for six or so timeless individuals, who want to create good memories through this story. (Image created by [@Rockette])