[center][h2][b]Conflict and Resolution[/b][/h2] [h3][I]Loom - Safehouse Morning[/I][/h3] [I]Collab: [@Slade], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Fallenreaper], and [@yoshua171][/I][/center] “Juan, not in the damn mood to fuck with you,” Emmet managed to rasp out, ignoring Kasain completely. His mood was soured by the fact he couldn't move back to the bed edge, let alone upright. It only worsened the longer he failed to get his ass up, finally registering the sheet still wrapped about his legs and entangling him. In one sloppy and pissed off movement he jerked the thing from around him then tossed it aside. His breathing was heavy and labored, his body covered in a cold sweat from last night, fighting the shivers trembling through him. [i]Stop it, stop...[/i] He almost yelled out loud at himself feeling his weakness seep though his very being against his will. He had to move, even if he couldn't and head to Olivia's school before the school's trail went cold. The man's mind ignored the reasoning pouring in his mind, from facts like too much time had passed to the fact Darius would note his absence. His muscles screamed their protest while he forced his arms to brace against the edge and pulled himself up higher, his teeth gritted against his misery and muffled a painful cry. Meanwhile, Juan chuckled lightheartedly when he noted the doctor's hands on his hips and looking rather outraged. Ever since he denied the doctor from doing his job, the poor little thing had been rather irritated, something that slightly amused the demon. His chest had already been stitched by his own equipment after he had been forced to readjust the sliver coin in his sternum where it kept his essence proper. Though he hated the sensation of being numb more than anything purely because unknown to his companions, save currently Kasain M've, he was constantly in agony. He gingerly moved toward Emmet's fallen figure in an unhurried pace. His movements looked unimpeded by his condition, he paused long enough to look and causally reply to Kasain. The teasing tone obvious in his voice despite the sourness, “A little pain is good for the pleasure, Doc. Though don't be too pissed off, he's just eager to be on his feet is all.” Juan came to a stop when he arrived beside Emmet, his legs bent and brought him into a crouching position. His arms rested on his knees as he studied the needles for a moment, in the corner of his sight he managed to catch the doctor's frustration. For a second, Juan's eyes hardened with a coldness at M've. Sharpness not characteristic in the demon seemed to silently slice the air before suddenly, it pulled back and vanished under dark lids. He shook his head in chiding, answering Kasain in a relaxed voice, “I think I owe your boss enough. I much rather not get my cute ass in much more debt than it already is.” Reaching to take up Emmet's right arm, Juan's voice called over to Damon in a coaxing manner, “Damon, could you get a saline solution and blood bag from the fridge? Also I need two needles, tubes and something to hang them on else gravity can't do its work. I rather the needles and tubes came from the bag I brought. By the way, be careful not to touch the fridge front else you'll get a nasty surprise.” Emmet's arm jerked from Juan's touch as he growled. His body flinched, reflexively, while he tried to shove himself upright only to crumble back down again. His frustrated was clear in his tone, upset at his weakness, barely rising up onto his knees. “Git off me, I have to...shit!” Kasain merely huffed at Juan's first statement, but when the second one came, his height increased drastically, as he went from 4'6 to 5'9 rather rapidly. His eyes were wide now and his jaw locked. His skin and labcoat bristled, as did his patchwork hair. He didn't care about debt, he hardly cared about money! This man was a foolish one. It was like he didn't know who he was. His thoughts paused, then the gears began turning. That would explain a lot actually. Still, he was not pleased, [I][U]"Debt? Crow asked me to come along as a favor. I'll be compensated, but that compensation depends on [I]me[/I]. Yet you stand there denying me my patient. Who is in no state to stand, and should not even be [I]awake[/i] yet."[/U][/I] He growled and essence sparked around him. He gradually began to shrink in size, his mass redistributing slowly. His lanky arms, ended with his ever long, unnaturally jointed hands, twitched, as did the fingers. Kasain then plopped himself into a chair and waited. [b]"Hmm? Oh. Right."[/b] Damon had been watching Emmet since they've gotten back. Well, he's been around. Damon had been lost in thought since they've gotten back, up to the point until their little rabbit woke up and started to thrash about like the caged animal he was. Damon was hidden on the ceiling, disguised as a mere stain on the paint. If he had to he could literally get the drop on Emmet, but Juan seemed to be able to handle their guest. He asked Damon to get some supplies from the fridge, but warned him not the touch the front of the fridge. [b]"OKay..."[/b] Damon slipped off the ceiling in front of the fridge and stood there debating how to open the fridge. He shouldn't touch the front from what Juan told him, but what counted as the front? The handle was on the front, so he shouldn't touch that. The door itself was part of the front, so he couldn't just grab it from the side. What was the surprise anyways? Was the front made of silver? Is it trapped? [b]"Geez, that paranoia."[/b] Damon simply picked up a broom and pryed the door open rather easily. Emmet's mind swirled and blurred, though one thought was clear. Olivia. He had to get to her, the fact she was missing and Darius' had suspected him drove him on. Inhaling deeply, his foot pressed flat against the floor as his other arm reached back for the bed edge. His eyes were barely able to tell one blurry object from another until he finally managed to touch it. Feeling it was solid, Emmet managed to bring himself into an upright sitting position. Now he just needed to to make his head stop spinning. Emmet currently didn't give a damn about the conversation going on between Juan and the other, but his ears caught the words Juan had spoken clearly. His eyes flashed to the demon immediately, his voice was harsh and venomous, “Debt...what did you do?” “Saved your ass,” Juan replied in a scolding tone, his face pulled into a frown at Emmet's anger, “like usual.” “I don't need saving Juan, god damn it. I need to get the fuck out there and find Olivia.” Juan lifted his head upright, ignoring Emmet for a moment, watching M've's shape shift and mold oddly. It was slightly impressive how easily the demon shifted sizes which brought his curiosity mentally to the surface. Letting the doctor toss his little temper tantrum, he kept crouched closely to his rabbit and listened carefully. It seemed he had hit a nerve with his comment after seeing the result and if it wasn't for the fact he had seen some of what the doctor was able to do, Juan might've laughed at the childish image. However as the doc stated, it was Crow that asked him along and not Juan himself. That made a great deal of difference. “Sorry to upset you Doc, but point is: I don't even know who you are to begin with and in my line of work, trust is a rare thing...” Juan stopped for a moment to see Damon struggle with his instruction. He sighed a little then added more and attempted to clear up his earlier comment, “Damon, the handle is alright just don't touch the door's front side. Sigil is invisible and if you recall right, my paranoia did save our asses before.” With the door open Damon extracted the items Juan requested from the fridge. As for the needles and such, Damon simply produced them from his own body. Closing the fridge carefully Damon went over to Emmet and Juan. Thinking about it, this would be the first time Damon met Emmet. He doubted he was in the mood for any sort of pleasantries, but Damon figured he might as well introduce himself. [b]"Heyo. Name's Damon. You're in bad shape: You'd just die if you tried to do anything serious. I dunno what Darius did to you, but you had a foot in the grave when we found you. I'm sure this Olivia lady would be real sad to know that you killed yourself trying to find her."[/b] Damon said simply. While he was certain Emmet already knew this much, and would still risk his life for it, Damon also knew that there wasn't much Emmet could do. He could hardly stand, let alone walk. Without a doubt the kid was tough though, still he seemed to be suffering injuries that would have killed Damon ten times over. But than again Damon wasn't really a tough guy either. As Damon helped Juan set up their little improvised chop shop Damon tried to explain the situation to Emmet the best he could. [b]"Right now I'd imagine that Darius and his boys are on the look out for you Emmet, as soon as they're done licking their wounds. With any luck however that shadowy bloke from before would keep Darius preoccupied, and failing that, he may be more interested in finding the bastard who attacked him in the first place. Assuming Juan didn't smile for the cameras you two aren't on his hit list, but your disappearance won't go unnoticed. I'll do my best to give you guys some breathing room however. But you need to use this time wisely. Right now you're on borrowed time with your injuries, but if you rest and recover than you'd at least be strong enough to get away from us."[/b] Damon joked about that last part, as he had stuck a bug into Emmet's hair when he was asleep. A risky trick, but at least this way Damon can keep tabs of the rabbit they've worked so hard to secure. Than through his mask holes Damon produced a pastry. [b]"Care for an eclair?"[/b] [I][U]"Yes, clearly,"[/U][/I] Kasain responded grumpily before he reached into his labcoat, and extracted a phone. [I][U]"You better call me if something happens,"[/U][/I] his grating voice said, his eyes glaring, before he turned away and exited the building to dial Crow. It was time to report and he was damned tired of this fool thinking that the way he treated him didn't have its own price. Juan frowned when Damon clearly ignored his request to get the needles, tubing and such from the bag. Naturally, Damon had opted to extract them from his own body. However the man had said little to the matter, knowing scolding or following his own instruction would only lead to wasting time. Time he needed. Already the creeping sensation things had become a mess edged into his usually easy going attitude when he noticed M've's displeasure. Little did the good doctor know there was more than one reason Juan didn't want him to treat Emmet, a matter that was a mix of pride and risking outside influence. Any little variable he couldn't account for could end up ruining over two hundred years of research. A matter he had already experienced and didn't intend to do so again. His teeth gritted in recollection at losing the original test subject as his eyes jerked to watch Emmet and Damon interact. He already noticed M've's departure and words, though following them were another matter. Only when it seemed he hadn't any other options would he finally consider the doctor's help, consequences be damned. To expect he would live to see his research come to fruition was a folly notion and the least likely to happen. Casting those thoughts aside, his body raised to retrieve the items from Damon. He twisted about the bed and slowly started to set up the equipment while Damon ensured Emmet didn't move much. His hands moved quickly to align the tubing, set up the bags, and even let the drip start before he was able to push a needle into his subject. The bad part he knew he would have to sedate Emmet. As if to remind him, Juan's mind drifted to the table side near the bed and spotted the syringe. Not a pleasant thought considering he didn't have a heart monitor to ensure Emmet's pulse was steady, among other things. The matter reminded him he still had to test Emmet's blood after the sewer demon's venom attempted to digest his subject's nervous system. It was a pure miracle the boy wasn't crippled by it, then again possibly Zi had altered that result more so than Juan's calculations gave her credit for. Emmet's mind tried to absorb Damon's words, drifting in and out of awareness. A factor that took a hell of a lot of effort, focus and energy on his part to stay awake. All he could do was lean back against the bed edge as his arm failed to, yet again, get him standing. Not easy when there was at least three needles that prevented him from finding a comfortable position, namely without the fear he might end up sending the middle one driving through his chest, coming out where his lungs or another vital organ was. He was out of it, but not enough to be suicidal. When Damon spoke up about his sister, Emmet managed to shoot him a glare. Even when Damon made sense, his frustration and anger at being helpless rose to choke his throat. So many thoughts poured into his mind, questions mostly, trying to spur his failing body onward. How could he protect her when he didn't know where she was at?!? They could be anywhere. What if the bastards who took her were.... Emmet's mind couldn't bear to finish the thought. Instead, his hands closed into fists and through gritted teeth, he spoke. “Fuck no, get the hell away from me.” His head whipped around to Juan's direction, though he felt himself nearly collapse on his side in the effort, “Juan... you fucking asshole, what have you done?” “I'm sure Olivia's fine. The kidnappers called not long ago and made demands. Darius' got connections and if he loses her,” Juan said in a rather cold and uncaring tone, his hand inserting the tubing and clicking the IV drip, “you don't have to listen to him. He loses his control. Damon's right and doing something stupid will only leave her alone, something I know you wouldn't dare do. Blood is thicker than water after all...” Emmet was silent. Noting this, Juan moved to look over at his subject as his body edged over to the weakened figure. Granted he himself wasn't in the best shape, but he had judged Emmet suicidal time to time, namely when it came to Olivia. A mistake he wouldn't be making again. His hand held the sedative hidden behind and ready to be inserted should he get a chance. Damon sucked the eclair back into his mouth hole, the sound of chewing indicating that he was eating it. If he had a knife he could cut the tension in the air. It didn't take a mind reader to pick up on the hostility that Kasain and Juan seemed to have created, though Damon didn't know the context behind it. He just guessed that Juan didn't trust him and wanted to cut loose ends. As for the drama between Emmet and Juan, Damon figured that Juan knew Emmet would try something stupid to get out, even if he didn't have a clue what he was going to do after getting away from them. And after what they did to rescue him Damon could understand Juan's annoyance. But somehow, these thoughts barely scratched the surface of what was really going on. The fact that Juan was being so secretive and careful around Emmet said something more than just concerned about a friend. This was like handling a fragile object, or a sensative compound; one missed movement and everything was over. Damon didn't know what however. Juan was being careful, but not for Emmet's sake. For what reasons however, Juan was trying to carefully do something to Emmet. [i][b]"This mystery is annoying."[/b][/i] This was most telling when Damon spied Juan hiding the needle that was to sedate Emmet. If they were as close as he suspected there shouldn't be an issue with trying to hook Emmet up to an IV. So hiding it meant that Juan was doing something that Emmet wouldn't approve of. Damon silently sighed and figured that he should at least play his part in all of this: The distraction. Moving himself at the foot of the bed, away from Juan, Damon hung himself on the ceiling in an attempt to look as odd as he can. [b]"Say Emmet, tell me about Olivia. I... Might have seen her in the past recently. Or maybe... Know someone who did."[/b] Of course he didn't. And even if he did, it would be in passing, from a person who would have no reason to know this girl. Still anything to keep Emmet distracted, and from that glare he gave Damon earlier, talking about his sister was the easiest way to get his attention. [b][i]"Now that I think about it, using his sister would be the easiest way to bait this kid. Maybe we should figure out where this Olivia girl is at, peace of mind and what not..."[/i][/b] Damon thought to himself. Juan raised an eye brow at Damon when he spied the demon moving about and immediately edge to the ceiling. The movement distracted Juan enough to cause his body to rise upright and stepped aside, careful not to draw attention. His eyes darted to the demon's current location giving Damon a fleeting gratified look. The sedative was a precaution after all but regretfully an unavoidable one, though one better than other options. Namely forcing Emmet to mend when he clearly won't. He turned back to Emmet to see his reaction. A part him had hoped the subject might see reason but deep inside, he knew Emmet far too well. The boy lacked common sense and it came to his own survival over Olivia, it only took an idiot to see he wouldn't risk his life for his sister. Sadly, Juan had no whims about letting Olivia die to save Emmet. A fact both some times clashed on like now. His thesis was proven right shortly when Emmet still didn't answer. Instead, he just slouched there and seemed to have missed Damon's comments. Juan's neck hairs rose on end while his body approached cautiously, eyeing Emmet's hands. He uttered curse for a warning, the only word that summed up his thoughts adeptly, “Shit!” Emmet's hands were spread out and during Damon's words, had been feeling his essence edge out into the ground. It was a one story and wooden floor, but underneath it all was concrete. Stone and earth which meant there was something he could tap into with some effort. His eyes closed and his body leaned forward, appearing to be adjusting his posture some, then started to will his essence into the floor. Emmet felt dizziness crash into his head, nearly bring him to collapse face first into the floor. Trying to focus and keep his essence flowing, he sensed something warm, damp trailed from his nose. From the rustic and copper scent, he knew exactly what it was. Blood. With the needles in his body, he didn't feel the excruciating agony that would've caused him to black out and his mind focused on forming a puppet. One to seek out his sister. Red droplets splattered on the floor from his lip but his expression was empty, voided of feeling when the irises started to color reddish. Inside him, something seemed to waft and stir. His mind noticed it when it brush at the back of his mind...No, deeper. His being's very core seemed to waver. His eyes shifted from that golden hue into glowing slightly. Juan knew Emmet was killing himself the moment he started to bleed. It had happened before in the past, though he was in much better condition and Juan could usually stop him with reasoning. The bad part, Olivia was the main factor between now and then. Juan's body jerked to react and tried to stick the needle into the shoulder. Emmet's hand shot up to stop it with surprising quickness. The hand wrapped about Juan's wrist and seemed stronger compared to the weakness earlier, keeping the needle from reaching the skin. Something wasn't right. The fingers tightened causing bones in Juan's wrist to crack, breaking slightly from the abnormal strength. More blood seeped from Emmet's ears and nose, his mouth corner starting shortly after, causing Juan to shout the first name that came to mind, “Dr. M've!” During their little conversation, Kasain had heard it all. Apparently his patient had some relative named Olivia. It was causing him distress, so as he reported to Crow he asked for several records. When a link was found and information gleaned, he finished his report. At the tail end of such he heard his name and in response he curtly told Crow he was needed, then hung up, shoving the phone into his labcoat, and slamming one of his hands into the door, blasting it from its hinges and sending it halfway through the room. He looked furious. The demon's eyes glowed fiercely even in the lit room and his fingers twitched and spasmed. Emmet found himself entirely paralyzed not a moment later. The bleeding stopped, some of it even being pulled back into the human's body. [I][U]"You idiot,"[/U][/I] the essence in the needles which were still in Emmet brought him to lucidity for several moments while Kasain spoke, [I][U]"Listen here little rabbit. Your sister is fine. The Academy has her safely in hand. I checked. I'm sure she's quite worried about you since you're the one who went missing from her perspective, not to mention that she doesn't know that you're currently more or less on your own personal death bed."[/U][/I] His eyelid and eyebrow twitched slightly. He had crossed the room, grabbed Emmet's wrist, and pulsed essence through it, deactivating his nerves and muscles in that area for a moment so Juan could extricate his arm. They then reactivated so as to continue bloodflow. [I][U]"Now, lay your pretty little head down, or I'll do it for you and you'll end up in a coma till you're healed? Understand!"[/U][/I] The fury was still in his eyes as he questioned Emmet, his mouth and face suddenly able to speak now that it was required of him. Damon watched as Emmet, Juan, and soon after Kasain started to violently try to subdue their patient. Damon wisely chose to simply remain on the ceiling, ready to drop should the need arrise. Luckily it did not as Kasain effortlessly subdued Emmet using the same technquie, or at least something similar, to what he did with the fox. Damon had a passing interest in knowing how he did that; it would certainly make hunting prey easier. Regardless Emmet was leashed and news about his sister came into light. [b]"The Academy?"[/b] Damon knew a little about the academy. Or at least he knew about as much as any other passerby would know about the academy. Damon never had the pleasure of consuming someone from the academy, that was for certain. Though this didn't make Damon feel any more at ease at the situation. The Academy always attracted trouble, and if Olivia was there Damon guessed it was only going to be a matter of time before another round of chaos ensued. Thinking about it, Damon did know someone from the academy. It was a stretch that he'd know anything about Olivia, but he did owe him a favor. Damon knew something deeper was going on and he wasn't going to go in blind. But he'd need someone on the inside to feed him what he needed to know. Creating a cellphone within his body Damon texted an old friend of his. [i][b]"Hey Noel, it's me, Damon. Where you at right now?"[/b][/i] With the message sent Damon waited patiently. He needed to know the whole story before the demon started to throw his lot into anyone's pool. While he owed it to Juan to help him out, it was obvious that he was hiding something and Damon wasn't privvy to trusting someone holding secrets from him. He needed to talk to Juan in private if he wanted answers however. [b]"Now that our rabbit is asleep, why don't we hurry up and set up the equipment? He's obviously still hurt and suffering from some sort of curse or whatever. Juan, what do we need to make sure this kid doesn't kill himself in his sleep?"[/b] Juan's eyes jerked when he spotted the door come off its hinges and shot about halfway across the room, collapsing smack dab in the room's middle. His expression was clearly a mix of surprise and discomfort, still struggling to release Emmet's iron grip. The human wasn't supposed to have the strength, naturally or in his current state, which deep in Juan's mind had stirred his curiosity. [i]Was I going about the wrong way to activate Isaac's trait this whole time?[/i] The question echoed in his mind before it fleeted away leaving him to observe Emmet's grip had stopped breaking his wrist. In silence, he saw Kasain chewing out Emmet. It was a surprise he felt himself flinch inwardly at Kasain's words and expression, fully realizing the demon had a tendency for violence if pushed. A matter true for any creature. Emmet's body had just started to shut down when Kasain's needles were activated. Whatever had tried to push his thoughts and mind down suddenly stopped, its essence calmed and became motionless again, gone it seemed when he started to achieve awareness. The reddish glow in his eyes faded instantly leaving his eyes their normal color again. The blood trail that had edged along his mouth retreated with a mind of its own and slipped back in, his body unable to move when Kasain's words rang out. Inside his body relaxed at hearing his sister's location and the fact she was safe. When his hand was grasped and the fingers loosened, Juan carefully pulled his wrist from Emmet's hand. After Kasain's words ripped into him, Emmet could sense his face regain movement. Unable to move his neck or brush off Kasain's hold, he inhaled then submitted, “Fine...” His body didn't resist when Kasain aided him back into bed, left with the only option of laying on his stomach while the doctor worked. It didn't take long before he passed out from a mixture of exhaustion and his earlier stupidity. Juan remained crouched down, his eyes studied the interaction and remained wisely quiet. Cradling his wrist, his thoughts were broken when Damon spoke up causing him to look at the demon with annoyance. “He's not cursed, I'm certain of that. It's much more complicated and I'm rather insulted you would think I would risk tainting my subjects with something as unpredictable as a curse. It wouldn't even influence the areas I required let alone the same malleability and ability to be controlled. However, appears it's rather unstable and the fact it took him being on death's door to activate explains a lot. Namely why I couldn't get any of the prior subjects to display any of the trait subject zero had. Truthfully, I don't even think he was aware it was happening.” Rising to his feet, his arm held close to his stomach, he set the sedative on the table. It wasn't necessary anymore with Emmet asleep, his eyes drifted over the result and tried to understand what exactly happened. Juan barely registered the shift in his speech pattern or the fact his tone was unemotional in his reply, letting his body leaned against the wall. Despite his mind being active and buzzing, his bones, muscles and more had seemed to suffer enough. A disappointing matter since demons were believed to have greater endurance when compared to normal humans. “As for killing himself, knowing she's safe helps. His judgment tends to fog over when his sister is in danger and threatened, a reason I wanted to sedate him before allowing him a chance to act stupid. Though to know exactly what happened I would have to examine him and run tests. Not something I aim to do while in his current condition.” He added quickly to assure the doctor he wasn't about to risk the patient's health...yet. [b]"Test subject huh? I see."[/b] Damon could now understand, at least somewhat, why Juan was so careful around Emmet. This kid wasn't important to Juan because of blood ties or anything like that. Emmet was one of Juan's little experiments, and it seems like he was the only one. Damon guessed that this Emmet kid was going to be the conduit of some sort of powerful demonic energy or maybe even something angelic. Damon couldn't say for certain, he never saw anything like this before. This would also explain why Juan was so uneasy around Kasain, as Damon figured that Kasain might do something that would ruin Juan's experiment on Emmet. Naturally Damon's curiosity wanted him to investigate this further. Juan would know the most about Emmet given that he's his test subject, but Damon also figured that someone like Kasain could figure out what's up with Emmet. He just needed to figure out who would least likely try to kill him over this. He didn't know much about Kasain and Juan was acting strange about Emmet. And in Damon's life, when someone acts strange you can no longer predict what they'd do. [b]"Well than, I'll leave you two to work on the rabbit. I'm going to see if I can figure out what the situation at Darius's mansion is like, see if he's going to come looking for us or not."[/b] Damon crawled along the ceiling out of the room. He was going to look into Darius's situation, but he made sure to leave a mean to pick up any conversation left in the room. Damon crawled to the roof of their hide out and took the form of a fly, preparing himself to go scout out the situation back at Darius's mansion. At the same time he made a phone call to Noel. Rhett turned the handle and stepped out of the shower, grabbing the nearest towel and wiping down his wet beard. He had been very thorough; he hated the feeling of dried blood getting stuck in his hair. He wrapped the towel around his waist and wiped away the condensation on the dirty mirror, sighing at all the scars that had been carved into his body over the years. Then he cringed when he saw the syringe marks riddled all over his arms and quickly dressed himself: A simple long sleeve black shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Didn't fit him right, but it was the only thing he could snatch in this dump of a hideout. Though he did manage to snag a bottle of spiced rum he pillaged in a random cabinet and had left it on the bathroom counter, just waiting for him when he finished washing up. He smiled to himself as he swallowed a quarter of the bottle in one swig. If Crow was going to be sending him on more missions like that, he was going to be demanding more booze. He fastened his holster and made a gentle touch to his machete handle before he walked out bottle in hand to see what his fellow compatriots had been up to. Naturally the door had been busted open with the room containing faces almost as sour as his own. Apparently there had been an argument which seemed to have gotten a little... emotional. He looks up as he sees Damon leave through the ceiling. Odd fellow. Rhett glances at the other two before taking another big gulp and gesturing towards Emmet. [b]“So is the package alright? Or did he not make it?[/b] Kasain remained silent throughout Juan's little speech, setting up several pathways of essence through Emmet's body for good measure and then hooking him up to the IV drip. He'd not be waking up any time soon. Once he'd finished Rhett made his presence known almost exactly as Damon exited. [I][U]"He's alive and stable, though he's also an idiot,"[/U][/I] Kasain growled, though his aggression was not aimed at Rhett in the least. After checking everything over, he turned away and walked up to Juan, looking up at the man for a long moment with slightly narrowed eyes. He then laughed and looked away, going to the chair and sitting down once more. It seemed he had more to report to Crow now, or perhaps he'd follow his doctor's oath? It really depended on how he felt about everything once all was said and done. Juan was silent, letting the doctor make the reply. In truth, he hadn't gotten a chance to examine Emmet and satisfy his own questions. Instead he just stood there with arms crossed over his chest overlooking Dr. M've's work. In his mind, however, he felt his fretful nature clawing into his mind throughout the whole time. His fingers dug into his arm, still careful not to farther injure his wrist, when he overheard the demon's growl causing a memory to flicker over his attention. It was gone the moment Dr. M've walked up to him, his eyes jerked upright and met the doctor's eyes directly. Jawline tightened while Juan expected to be lectured or worse, only to hear the doctor laugh. His eyes followed M've all the way to his chair, trying to determine the reason. Inwardly, he knew this problem had to be dealt with sooner or later. His eyes shifted back to Rhett and considered heading outside, namely to follow Damon and disappear for a bit to give the doctor time to calm down. The only reason he hadn't was the fact he was curious at what the doctor had laughed at and the unbridled thought the doctor might know more than he was letting on. Slowly he edged from the wall and turned his vision to the settled doctor. His eyebrow lifted while his voice emitted a calm, steady tone in his question, “Something humorous, Dr. M've?” Kasain glanced at Juan as he spoke, and then back down at his hands, which had extracted a needle and were twirling it between his fingers deftly. [I][U]"Many things,"[/U][/I] his high pitched voice stated, [I][U]"...mostly how easily you lose control, after berating others, only to let them regain it so you can take hold again. It's annoying,"[/U][/I] he smiled and his eyes met Juan's, [I][U]"...and pitiable."[/U][/I] Juan's eyes hardened, his lip curled to reveal his teeth slightly. His eyes noted and kept tabs on the needle, still aware about the one inside his body. Part of him wished it had been removed earlier, his lungs inhaled for a moment as his insides twitched again. If he could've felt it than likely he wouldn't have been standing, let along able to do anything besides wither in pain. Inside, he knew if it came down to a fight than he would lose. His body too damaged to take a hit, let alone fight back, reflexively making his fingers tighten on his arm. Clear tension spread throughout his posture though his eyes never left, “Missing variables often are the most misleading....” His eyes broke from the doctor's and looked at Emmet, for a moment reflecting on the cost of what was right in front of his eyes. If they only knew, most would've called him a monster for it “Right now, my only concern is that my work isn't tampered with Dr. M've. Beyond that, what you and your lot do isn't my concern in the least.” [I][U]"For one who values something so much, you are not very careful as to how you treat those who help you,"[/U][/I] Kasain said observantly, [I][U]"...by the way, there's an awful lot of pain moving through your nerves."[/U][/I] The doctor's fingers twitched. He was always aware of the bodies of those whom his needles were piercing, they were linked to his essence in a way. His eyes glanced to Emmet as he spoke again, [I][U]"I'm not your enemy, we could be friends, but you're to scared to let anyone in anymore. Fear and caution only get one so far. When you're the only one left to pick up the pieces, the burden can easily overwhelm. I'm a doctor, a being in the profession of saving the lives of others."[/U][/I] His eyes turned to Juan again, calm. His smile was gone, [I][U]"...I know what it is to be overwhelmed by the feelings of others, and by my own work. Luckily, I'm lucky enough to have learned my lesson."[/U][/I] The doctor shook his head and channeled essence through the needle in Juan, it would be like an intense, but not quite painful, warmth traveling up into his arm. The bone fragments would graze eachother, reallign, and then fuse together. The process was painful, but once he was finished, his hands twitching and jittering about in the air, Juan's wrist would be healed...well, mostly. [I][U]"That'll be tender for a few days, but at least it won't bother you much. In return, give me a bit of...wiggle room. You don't have to trust me."[/U][/I] He straightened his coat slightly, [I][U]"Look at it this way. You can either work with me, and we both benefit, or you can get in the way of my job, and we both suffer the consequences. There's not much way around it. Either we both win, or no one does."[/U][/I] Juan looked at Kasain, his expression suspicious at first and digesting the words. When the doctor shook his head, his teeth gritted as the bones mended slightly painfully when his wrist was healed. Slowly his head lowered and watched his wrist flex and rotate, almost as good as new. He stood in silence, remembering the last man, his assistant, that he trusted. In the end it nearly cost him everything, making all his sacrifice and work worth nothing in the end. It was hard to allow it to happen again. Letting the doctor finish he closed his eyes for a moment before finally accepting the truth that Emmet wouldn't survive without Kasain's help. “Very well. Though, to inform you. The last assistant I allowed to care for my subject had nearly caused all my work to be worthless. It would've been as if you treated a patient and trusted another to take care of him, only to have him kill the patient. These habits won't be easily broken, especially after two hundred years so expect me to hover..frequently.” Something clicked in his mind when the mention of pain in his nerves surfaced to his attention. He examined himself internally for a moment, feeling nothing when his eyes twisted down to see the needle. His jawline tightened when he spoke, “Can you judge how much pain exactly? Is the Aura essence fluxing in a rapid pattern when I speak?” His mind had hoped the medal was properly aligned but it was possible it wasn't, a fear flooding his heart if his suspicion was correct. Namely because he would need to remedy that quickly. Kasain flicked his finger, and in response a wave of pain flooded through Juan, briefly overflowing through his nerves, before it receded to a dull hum, then vanished again. [I][U]"It is clearly important, and I figure that will answer your question as to how much,"[/U][/I] he chuckled and then closed his eyes. His fingers twitched a bit more, allowing Juan to detect that his body was in pain, without him actually being debilitated by it, something only possible with magic. He did not respond to Juan's earlier statements. Most of it was irrelevant, though he stored it for later. This man was up to far more than he let on, though whether or not he decided to inform Crow depended entirely on how he was treated from this point forwards. If all went well, he would heed his doctor's oath and not a word of Juan's [I]other[/I] side would slip to Crow, but if he found himself particularly bothered by the ordeal, then Juan would be in an unfortunate position if it ever served Crow's purposes to sell him out to Darius. A sad prospect, not that it mattered much. Even if Juan ended up pursuing him, he'd find that while Kasain was no fighter, that he was about as dangerous as most demons his age. After all, he was over 1000 years old already. He knew how to survive. Juan's mind stuttered when fire ruptured where numbness once resided. His nerves to scream in agony causing dread to settle in his heart, bones and worse of all his mind. No...he realized. His hand jerked out immediately to prevent himself from being brought to his knees while the pain edged into something more manageable. His lungs breathed in and out in a slow, steady rhythm while he tried to adjust to the sensation. Every fiber was burning on the inside which meant the ifrit and human essence were tearing each other up rather well... a matter that soon brought to light his manners and attitude in the situation. With urgency and no warning, his free hand moved to his chest where he peeled back the wound as far back as the slice allowed. It wasn't enough sadly to fully examine the problem. It didn't help the needle made ripping it open rather difficult, his eyes still warily eyeing it with slight distaste than closed his lids for a moment. “Thank you,” Juan spoke, straining with the fact at who the words were directed, “Seems there's complications to correct before it becomes... grave.” Choosing to overlook what the doctor might think in favor of solving the issue quickly, his body pulled past the demon and leaned down to the bag nearby. It was brought in by the shadow fox, now lounging in a corner and seeming to be asleep. He extracted a small case and twisted about, placing onto the small table before clicking it open to reveal several adept tools. Taking the Weitlaner, a tool used to pry open the flesh, he settled it against the thin tissue and thumbed the lever into extending the wound wider and held his hand there. From his smooth action and lack of reaction to the painful flare, he clearly had done this enough to expect it. He retrieved a smaller flashlight then flickered it under the skin where his eyes widened in surprise. “Ah... sloppiness,” He commented causing him to flip the light about into his palm than reach his fingers into the wound. Something clicked and shifted, metal on metal, until a sudden shift in his pain levels occurred. Juan visibly flinched though it wasn't because of any hurting. Gently he placed the light aside and removed the Weitlaner, inhaling for the moment while checking his body's condition thoroughly. Juan smirked in a familiar smile when he was pleased to have fixed the problem, “That's better, much better. Seems I need to work on my people skills a bit, don't you agree doc?” His posture relaxing much more than was normal, he turned around and rested his ass against the table edge. Mentally he was trying to word his thoughts careful before he added, “Now two questions before I apologize. One, what's the rabbit's over all damage, namely after his stunt? Two, can you keep me updated on any changes in his condition? Mainly due to medical history and knowledge I rather not share unless needed doc. Mainly to avoid complications with our rabbit,” Juan's words were fluid and milder now, “As for my behavior, allow me to make it up to you. Since you seem to have a passion, I would imagine allowing you to exercise it would show you my sincerity. The choice is yours and understandable if you decline, but if you like, then I'll be appreciative if you would bind my wounds properly. Consider it my practice, though I suggest if you take that offer than you might want be careful as I am ticklish.” Juan chuckled a bit at the last part. The doctor's eyes remained closed, but he motioned for Juan to come closer, after which two of his four arms extracted needles and he sat up in the chair. [I][U]"There was plenty of internal bleeding, several broken, or fractured, bones, and a score of terrible bruises. The bruises are healing, the bones are set together and somewhat mended, and all the internal bleeding is stopped for the moment,"[/U][/I] while he explained the rabbit's condition, he worked on Juan, his wounds closing, any bleeding ceased, though there'd still be some damage as he finished. [I][U]"I will keep track of his state,"[/U][/I] he stated simply, opening one eye to regard Juan for a long moment as he cleaned and retracted his needles, stowing them in his coat once he'd finished. After a long moment, his eye closed, [I][U]"My essence will flair if I am needed, thus waking me, but for now I'll be taking a nap. I don't often get to."[/U][/I] At that he went silent and his breathing steadied as he drifted into sleep. Juan stood in front of the doctor and watched the demon work on him, his ears listening to the diagnosis given. It was little surprise to hear the results since Emmet had the luck to be a wound magnet, a fact his career showed often enough. Than again, Darius' attention did the boy little good in the following years. Despite Juan's continual warnings, hints and more against the Fox's punishments, Darius refused to listen so the current predicament was bound to come to a peak. Juan felt his skin mended to a tolerable state as the bleeding stopped and was patched back together, closing the wound to look several days older than it actually was. The whole time he tried not to fidget but old habits were hard to overcome. His attempts weren't helped when he felt the barrier pushed against viciously causing his fingers to curl into his palm, the nails dug into his hardened skin deeply when Kasain finished. Juan noted the eye regard him and his mouth smirked, innocently, finally happy to be rid of the doctor's needles. After the doctor went silent, Juan made a wordless nod. His head twisted about to where Damon had vanished and thoughtfully knew he would have to follow him, Damon's hint now clearer in his head. He sighed, finally taking a step toward the door. “I'm going out to gather some supplies I hope might help some with the situation and will be back soon. Getting them later will be rather difficult. Sleep well doc as I get a feeling... the work has just begun.” With his words left behind him, Juan exited the safe house and shut the door behind him.