[b] Near Relin [/b] "Do not taint your tongue with the verbage of a snake," she responded, eyeing Yaves with the same disdain. "As for what manner of Sei I am, that is a bit difficult to answer. You might consider me to be the counterpart to the one you call Vaess. I do have a strong connection to the cold, but the definition of my powers was written long before her time, long before your time. The discussion would get too deep into esoteric philosophies as well." "The simpler explanation would be to explain in the general sense what purpose the Sei served," she added, musing how to best proceed, "The Sei are a coalescence of the departed from a war long past, when magic was ungoverned. Initially, the Faith was one, but fractured due to philosophic differences in beliefs, as souls departed into what you call the Void, they continued this war, souls unifying with like-minded souls, which formed Sei. Our powers were defined by the constructors of the Gate, each gate providing governance over a particular portion of this world. That is the simple version." She shifted slightly, walking off to the side, "In addition, I embody Lust. A noble virtue." She smiled ferociously at the end of her explanation, her dress mirroring her explanation, the extremely low cut and fabric-ally challenged garment moving slightly in the wind.