I'm anti-segregation in professional sports, if there's anything that Manon Rhéaume taught us is that it's possible to bring down those walls. Whilst this probably would be a controversial thing in our fictional professional wrestling league, I think it should be an in-story event; where the walls break down gradually or suddenly which sets the world on [i]fire[/i]. The character I was thinking of making is a no nonsense female wrestler who isn't a [i]diva[/i] in the traditional sense; she's a female wrestler with little patience for gimmicks and stage performance opting out for more exhibitionist and athletic ideals. She believes she's an equal to the male circuit choices of wrestlers and in a way wants to prove herself, perhaps wanting to move wrestling back to athletic sports exhibitionism rather than the performance art it currently is in. She will be adamant in wanting to put her foot in.