After being punted through a good few layers of steel, Rudan was feeling a bit fed up with this new universe he found himself in especially after said portal to universe had been opened in his bathroom and then closed while he was dislodging himself from the steel. After seeing the portal home close and his meal escape, the now homeless necromancer decided to do some sight seeing in this multiverse and enjoy the various local cuisines and curios. Rather than stick around in the hell hole he found himself in, Rudan teleported to a completely random universe in a Hawaiian shirt and khaki's with some sun glasses into what looked to be the middle of a small village in the middle of the sengoku jidai period, and as would be expected of people in an era where brother can one day slay brother, a mob soon forms to greet the strange creature that had just sort of appeared in the middle of their village. "are you the people in charge of greeting tourists?" rudan asks evenly, gazing at the people before him, armed with pitchforks and hoes, one man speaking up from the mob "kill the demon!" before they charge. after a few hours of fighting, rudan finds himself enjoying the local cuisine sooner than expected as he sits on a pile of corpses, slowly munching his way through men, women and children which sadly lacked any mystical might of worth and only slightly above average physical strength from the lot of them which resulted in the meal being quite unfilling. the ravenous beast finishes eating the last hand of a woman that had tried to attack him with a hammer only for a group of three travelers to come wandering into town to see the rather grizzly sight of blood and flames covering the building with a man in the middle of the street with a shark-like grin and munching on a human arm like it was a pokii (not sure how they're spelled) stick. "i see we're too late..." the monk of the group says with a sigh "the town has already been destroyed". The woman of the group, armed with a bow, gasps and covers her mouth in shock as what appears to be a wolf demon charges at rudan with a massive sword. "die demon!" the wolf demon shouts as he swings his blade only for rudan to catch his wrist, kick his ankle, and send him sailing over himself, the hungering beast's mouth already growing to size as he eats the head of the half-demon in one go, killing him instantly before rapidly devouring the rest including the sword. The half demon was deceptively strong in both physical might and mystical might but lacked the ability to use the full strength of either, however, rudan did not as he rushes the remaining monk, taking his head off with one bitch slap, eating the rest of his corpse while the woman cowers in fear and shock. While the half demon had been strong, the monk was less so, however he did contain a uniquity in how he applied his strength and rudan was apt to do something similar. Shark-like maws begin to form rapidly in the palms of Rudan's hands before he smiles at the girl which tries to run away only for her leg to be caught and severed in the same move. After eating the final party member of the interesting trio, rudan found himself sated for the time being, each one having had quite ample amounts of mystical and physical might in their own respects however for two of which, most of their total might had been left untouched leaving all the more for the hungering beast to devour. However, over time the total magic began to wane and he was left with merely 1/10 of their total might added onto his own which, while not much in the grande scheme of things, was welcome as Rudan had a certain, powerful prey in mind for which he would need all the strength he could get.