[quote=@Lights] Actually scientific studies shows you are wrong on both counts. Male brains are typically 10% larger than those of women (though that is literally just a measurement of size and could not be used to infer factors such as greater intelligence) and males have faster reaction times on average than women. Obviously wrestling quality is highly subjective, so I can't prove anything with science there. But more men have been awarded five stars by noted commentator Dave Metzer than women, with only one women's match ever been given the five star ranking. Though obviously again, whilst he is considered to be an authority on the subject, I can't present that as anything more than the collected options of a single person. [/quote] Yeah, but to be fair, that's because women's matches are rarely given as much time as mens matches. I work for a small wrestling promotion, our loudest pop of our last show was our tag team champions (The Superheroes, May and Sam) So much so that it got May scouted by one of the bigger promotions. And even in WWE, Paige's match with Nikki on RAW last week was one of the best matches of the night, why? Because they actually fucking gave her time to work with, and we know it was her, because it sure as fuck wasn't Nikki working it. Nikki, let's face facts, Nikki is only on the roster because she has an identical twin sister and when Dunn asked "Hey, mind getting a boob job and wearing this outfit that's clearly too small for you?" she replied "Sure!" That, and she's fucking the guy who Vince thinks is the most over guy in the company, and is related to the girl who is fucking the ACTUAL most over guy in the company. Paige is legitimately good... Just don't ever talk to her dad, because he is notorious on the British Indie circuit for being absolutely fucking mental (There is a rumour flying about that he beat one of Paige's old boyfriends into a bloody mess.) And one source tells me that her mum isn't much better... Sorry, didn't see the "Can we drop this" remark, sure it's dropped. Just... Yeah, never remark on how she has an absolutely fantastic bottom around Norwich, or you are likely to be stabbed by one of her relatives/someone who knows one of her relatives.