Midnight Pub & Café: 4:57pm "I suppose...is there a problem?" he listened to her stuttery reply and sighed. "Well you see we um...." he glanced at the pixie of a girl on her other side and nodded. "Alright then, I'll see you at the end of my shift at six-thirty sharp." Jaden left before the girl could answer. What did he just agree too? Was he insane? shaking his head he went about serving their meals and kept a close eye on the two girls as they went about trying to keep their obvious nervous state toned down. He knew without a question that the girls were going to be troublesome. While he went into the area behind the bar to assist Mason as Kelsie worked the floor he heard the muffled stutter of the tiny girl and felt himself momentarily grumble as he cleaned glasses and kept looking at the clock - it read [color=ed1c24] 5:24pm [/color] in sharp red as he tried to keep himself at peace - what peace was there for him though? The two fairy-typed girls, windswept, ghostly and looking like they suited a child's story, the green eyed young woman who made him cringe not because she wasn't beautiful - because she most definitely was - but it was that ghastly scent of chlorine. "You have those two girls all a twitter! I knew you were a lady killer!" Mason said. Sometimes, he wanted to hit the other teen - with an Iron clad fist. "If you attempt to state that I should ask them both out - save it. The elder one requested that I meet them after my shift to discuss something." Jaden put up the glass he was cleaning as the bangle grew colder and widened a few inches. God what was he doing? "Oh? Did they like what they saw?" he looked at Mason with a deadpanned stare. "People like you make me want to commit heinous crimes against humanity," he said. “Ouch…” Jaden shot him another look as he locked eyes with that of the tiniest girl and frowned. [i]“This isn’t right.”[/i] He didn’t want to admit it, but from time to time he had hoped that someone in the world was like him – now that he was potentially going to meet someone like him though…he was uncomfortable and made him cringe and his insides quake. What did they want? Who were they? Why were they here? So many questions, and he didn’t like it. He sighed and looked at the clock again. [i]“Twenty minutes….and then hell descends upon me…” [/i] Without much question, those twenty minutes would go by quickly and then he wouldn’t have an excuse and because of that he half-prayed that his boss would ask him to close up – if he was lucky he’d have the place to discuss this that wasn’t where passers by could over hear them. “Don’t look so severe….those girls will never go on a date with you if you look like you’re the most sour person in the world,” said Mason. Jaden felt himself bristle. “I want to commit homicide…” the other flinched. “Sorry I said anything….you sure are in a bitter mood,” he told him. Jaden glanced at the three females. “No….not bitter….just….awaiting some unfathomable trouble.” “Huh?” he shook his head. “Nevermind….my shift ends in fifteen minutes.”