[hider=My CS] Name: Kato Wolfe Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/5dd311258cf4ae1da2e67a63a5045908/tumblr_myhodxw67a1qev9c5o1_500.png[/img] History: Kato was raised in many army bases until his parents decided to stay in a small town to plant roots, where he was a pre-teen. He decided to go out for a walk during the brisk fall weather. Personality: Kato is the biggest and sweetest person in the room, he's protective and cares for many people, and he gets hurt easily and gets mopey. He's also kind of an airhead often mishearing things and doing everything literally as he's told, and he doesn't get certain jokes. He's excitable and touchy-feely and wears his heart on his sleeves. [hider=Relationships: ] Elena: Kato is scared of her, and he doesn't like how mean she is, also doesn't like her lewdness which makes him uncomfortable. Elena's really not Kato type and finds her fan club rather intimidating. Must be weary of. Catherine: Kato likes Catherine but wouldn't trust her with his compass, he wonders what she writes about in her journal. Must be protected. Morgan: Kato likes Morgan even if her honesty could be uncalled for. He has no idea what a Wiccan is, and he wonders if Morgan can cast spells or curses. Would like to ask questions. E: A fellow military brat. Finds them odd and they could do with lowering their standards for E's own sake. Must help. Mason: Finds him an oddball, Kato was sick the day Mason got in trouble so he was confused why nobody ever wanted to speak of what happened, so he kept his distance just in case he was dangerous. Not really sure what to think. [/hider] Momento: Compass, which belonged to his mother who used to be a fighter pilot. [/hider]