appearance: [img][/img] name:Neil age:22 gender:Male likes/dislikes: Hard dance muisc, dancing, drugs, clubs, graffiti, art, violin, food Police, Rich, Stuckup id ness, slums personality traits:Playful and flirty, Very social, can be stubborn and annoying at times Neil is very flirty for someone who is Asexual and in essence genderless (will explain in backstory), He will not hessitate to invade your personal space. Neil can be somewhat annoying usually when he doesn't get his way reverting to his childishness even though he is 22 years old. As for the social aspec he is well known in his area for coming up to strangers dangerous or not and talking to them like he knew them for years. backstory:(warning: kinda dark) Neil was abandon as a newborn and picked up by Child Services and was sent to a foster home, he grew up for 2 years. He had a generally normal childhood making friends playing. When Neil was 2 years old a man came, and adopted him. The man was very rich and owner of a multi billion dollar, which excited neil at first, but as he arrived at the house of the man he soon realized what the man had in store fr him. The man was lonely and frustrated that he could never come out to the public. So he adopted neil to take out all his sexual frustration, neil raised as a slave, being abused and molested every day for years he new nothing else but servitude and pain. The only thing that brought joy was the internet and the violin the gang members stole. almost every day he would be either on the web or on his violin when not being abused by man. Eventually when he was 14 Neil was wandering around the mans office alone. Neil's curiosity got the better of his as he searched the mans computer finding a multitude of dark company secrets as well as illegal business action. After he found these files he copied them and sent them to the authorities, along with videos of neil being raped by the man. The police was quick to act Neil was sent to a foster home, and for a while things were ok. The man's Business quickly tanked and went out of business and the trial of the man was underway. Neil watched as the other kids played and smiled, he never smiled only played his violin and surfed the webb. One day that man came in and said he was looking for a boy, this man took one look at Neil and knew, Neil also knew but didnt move as the man charged him and picked him up by the neck. The man screamed "you will always be myn" pulling a gun out to make sure he wasn't interrupted as he raped Neil one last time and proceeded to cutt off his genitals and run out the building before being shot by the police arriving on the scene. Neil was hospitalized for almost a year, eventually getting out he didnt go back. Neil instead looked for people like him and eventually got a shitty job to support himself and it was in this job he found his talent. He took everything he could and quickly left the website and soon after that was contacted by the business's competitors. Now Neil is a Information broker and is slowly getting bigger and bigger as he makes his name as a hacker and an accomplished violinist. other stuff: Weapons - carry's around a steel extendable baton (the police one)