[B]Star Wars: Return of the Sith[/B] OOC Note: This is non-canon as all hell. Takes place after the establishment of the New Republic & New Jedi Order, but anything else after the 6th film *does not happen*, so we're in our own little world! ^_^ This plot would take place say 50 or so years after the N. Republic and N. Jedi Order were established... Bottom line: the Sith Empire had never truly been destroyed. When the galaxy finally began to settle down after Darth Sidious' Galactic Empire fell, the true Sith made their move. In a swift and brutal conquest, they destroyed the New Jedi Order, took a major half of the galaxy, and even seized Coruscant... But that's where they stopped. The Republic loosely held together, but it was enough to force a stalemate. With the tension higher than ever, both sides seek out any remaining Jedi. The Republic wish to save them to gain valuable allies. The Sith however want to kill every single remaining Jedi, so that the Republic never gains an edge. [B][U]CS Templatey Thing -[/U][/B] Name: Race: Gender: Age: Alignment: Appearance: Faction: Role/Rank: Weapons: Force Powers: Equipment/Items: Backstory/Personality: Aaaand I shall expand on this when I next get to a computer!