Katsuya didn't bother to fight against the girls as they dragged her across the school to... A music room? Sure enough, the sign by the door said 'Music Room 3' as the first girl, the one who had called out to her, opened the doors. Inside the room there were multiple groups of tables, couches, and just groups of people standing around and talking. Katsuya noticed that most of the groups were girls flocking around a single guy, and had to force herself not to gag. She really had no stomach for such frivolous activities. Still allowing the girls to lead her around however, they walked right up to a young man who Katsuya could only assume was one of the hosts. "Orinosuke-Senpai! We brought a new girl with us today!" The girl holding her hand said as Katsuya examined the host. While she didn't recognize him, that could be attributed to the fact that they probably were not in the same grade or social circles. Katsuya took her hand from the girl and held it out to the host in greeting. "I'm 2nd year Katsuya Materashi, and I'm only here because these girls dragged me here. I [i]was[/i] on my way home." Katsuya hoped she'd be able to get greetings out of the way and just be able to leave like she wanted to after that.