[hider=Mason] Name: Mason Blythe Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance:[img]http://i.imgur.com/88ohuRx.jpg[/img] History: In Jr. High, Mason was bullied by several larger kids. Any normal child may have fought back the first time, or perhaps sink into a spiraling depression; however, Mason was not a normal child and instead of doing either of the two he took the bullying as a way to answer questions he had about his own life. Like why people bothered to bully. Was it because of insecurities, or was it more of a dominance thing, or maybe purely a psychopathic drive in which harming one was thought to be necessary? He pondered all of these as he was pushed around, kicked, punched, and called names. Eventually he found the answers to his questions, or he thought he did at least, and the act of being beaten by these kids began to feel unnecessary to him. So he posed a new question to himself: “What would happen if I suddenly destroyed them?” Of course, he didn’t mean killing them, he simply meant crushing their bullying game, which was all they honestly seemed good for. From that moment on he trained himself to be able to “beat” them, until one day he finally felt ready to do so. Mason still doesn’t remember what happened, as the entire event became an unimportant blur in his head, but he does remember being kicked out of school for two weeks and returning to find less people wanting to speak with him. Even the bullies seemed to avoid him. From there everything was smooth sailing for Mason through the rest of Jr. High and his first years of High School. He made friends whenever he could, most of the time only to find an answer to a question he thought they could give him, and became more and more interested in the ways people act and think. Personality: Most people consider Mason to be the odd kd, and they’re completely right. Nothing about Mason seems normal as he almost tries to aim to be the least normal person around. his looks tend to differ from others, wearing somewhat bright outfits most of the time and dying his hair whatever unnatural color he feel likes. The oddest thing about Mason is the way he acts towards others. He speaks in an almost bored tone, as if he isn’t fully there, but he takes a large interest in people and because of this talks more often than most people think he would. His main interest is other people, and he tries to watch them and see what they do, what makes them them. He even creates a ranking system on how interesting he thinks a person is and how much time he should invest into figuring them out. One of the many things Mason enjoys doing is drawing small flip-books from stacks of post-it notes. He also likes to put random messages on the the notes, and often puts them up in random places. Relationships: His rating system is a simple one, going from 1-10 Kato: Kato is a 5 on Mason’s list. His protectiveness and willingness to do as others say makes Mason wonder how far he’d actually go in certain situations. Mason is also interested in how he can be so sweet to others and how he can get easily hurt. Elena: Elena is a 9 on Mason’s list. Her sadistic like ways being a large interest to Mason. He’s also very interested in how she acts, her lewd and teasing advances being very interesting to listen and see, and also reply to. If she had ever made any towards him, he loved accepting it just to see her get flustered. Catherine: Catherine is also a 5 on Mason’s list. Her quiet ways makes him think that she has a lot going on in her mind. The journal that she sometimes writes in making him think so even more. Her clumsy ways makes him wonder if she’d ever fall and break her neck, and even if he doesn’t feel widely invested he’d still hope that he would be able to help her avoid that if the event would happen. Morgan: Morgan is a 7 on Mason’s list. He wonders what it’s like to be the daughter of a witch and being so close to nature. He doesn’t get how someone could possible be so invested in such things, so he often watches her and tries to spend time near her to figure this out. Eren: Eren is an 8 on Mason’s list. Being one of the best at many things in school makes Mason wonder what kind of drive it takes to do so. He also finds great interest in the way he speaks, always trying to find out when he’s serious or not. The dog tags that he has also raises a question about the military, and how one could ever risk their life for something else. Momento: Mason carries a pen, and multiple stacks of post-it notes in the many pockets of his jacket. [/hider]