[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmMzZWZlOS5TR1ZzYkc4aC4wAAAAAAA,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] Hi! I'm Callie <3 EST. Almost 27. She/Her. Two dogs: a mini poodle and a German Shepherd Wife. MSN student. Full time RN = 12 hour shifts. ~15 years of RP experience. Desperately searching due to an upcoming two week break! [hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmMzZWZlOS5WMmhoZENCWmIzVW5iR3dnUjJWMC4wAAA,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] +18 High casual to advanced writer 4 - 6+ paragraphs per reply Detailed descriptions of [I]emotions[/I], not just actions. A cast of characters. [hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmMzZWZlOS5RMkYxZEdsdmJnLCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] [b]I prefer roleplays that have darker elements. All of the aforementioned (gore, violence, cursing, and... activities) will probably - hopefully - be in our roleplay.[/b] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5SRzkxWW14cGJtYywuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] [b]M x F, with F as my preferred role.[/b] More than willin' to double. I like a cast of characters, so it shouldn't be a problem![/center] [hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmMzZWZlOS5SMlZ1Y21Wei4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] Key: ** - craving ++ - AU friendly [s] am not interested at the moment[/s] [i]italics[/i] - who I'd like to play [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5SbUZ1Wkc5dGN3LCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5SSEpoWjI5dUlFRm5aUSwsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] **/++ Alistair x [i]f!OC[/i]: post-Origins through Inquisition ** Cullen x [i]f!Amell[/i] or [i]Inquisitor[/i]: Origins through Inquisition Willing to play: HoF, Hawke, Alistair, Wynne, Zevran, Morrigan, Inquisition!Leliana, Anders, Fenris, Sebastian, Varric, Solas, Blackwall, Cassandra, Abelas, Dorian, Josephine [hider=Plots] [list] [*]** Alistair is crowned King with Anora but it is a loveless marriage. While he understands his duties, he has had enough and is determined to find someone from his past to at least talk to about his troubles. This could be previous love interest Hero or a completely different noble. More than willing to double as a Grey Warden OC/Hero if you've got a female you'd like to play. I would request you play Alistair. [*]** Arranged marriage, preferably my OC playing against a newly crowned Alistair. Can vary and set post!Blight, Kirkwall, or Inquisition. [*]********* Arranged marriage, preferably my OC against Inquisition!Cullen to improve the Inquisition standing with Ferelden. [*]Cullen joined the Hero's group after the whole Circle enchilada. Amell (me, though doesn't have to be the Hero at all) joins as well and it's a nightmare. I'm more than happy to double as Alistair in this, or another canon of your choosing. [*]Just playing through the Blight, changing the Hero(es) story(ies) as we want. [*]Playing Inquisition through with the Hero of Ferelden and me doubling as Alistair. I would preferably have you as Cullen to my Inquisitior. [*]After the Blight and/or Inquisition, aforementioned pairings. We all know the story goes on ;)[/list] [/hider] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5VM1Z3WlhKdVlYUjFjbUZzLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] Dean x [i]f!OC[/i] Will play Castiel, Sam, Crowley, or Bobby with primarily hetero pairings. [b]NOTE:[/b] I am trudging my way through season 8. No spoilers, please! [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmMzZWZlOS5UM0pwWjJsdVlXeHouMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5RWEJ2WTJGc2VYQjBhV01nLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] [s]The world's going to hell in a hand basket. Let's make the best of it. Bring me your zombies, your lunar misalignment, your diseases, your anything. We can work something out.[/s] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5RWEp5WVc1blpXUWdUV0Z5Y21saFoyVSwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] Preferably medieval/historical, preferably fantasy. Who's kidding, I'll listen to anything. [b] I'll love you if we can mix this with Dragon Age or Supernatural somehow <3 <3 <3[/b] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLmMzZWZlOS5TR2x6ZEc5eWFXTmhiQSwsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5WMjl5YkdRZ1YyRnlJRWxKLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] It fascinates me. I just made my way through Ruta Sepatys' [i]Salt of the Sea[/i] and it's sparked my muse. Happy to entertain any pairing ideas, specifically German soldier/Jewish girl and others of the same nature. [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5VMnhwWTJVZ2IyWWdUR2xtWlNBdklFMXBjMk5sYkd4aGJtVnZkWE0sLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] Looking for Braving the Elements, Can't Live with You, Beyond the Kingdom, Power Couple, Repercussions, Lovely Keys, and a Tale of Two Kingdoms. [hider=Miscellaneous/Slice of Life] [hider=Braving the Elements] Muse A is coming of age in their magical family. On their 18th birthday, they learn what element (water, air, earth, or fire) they have been gifted with. Muse A has been under the impression and hope that they will have inherited the same element that their parents and grandparents have been blessed with, however they come to discover that they have been bestowed with the opposite element. According to rules set forth in the family’s grimoire, Muse A must learn to master their gift from a witch/warlock who possesses the same elemental power as they do. Muse B, who has the same element as Muse A, becomes Muse A’s reluctant mentor. Muse B is brilliant and powerful, but lacks in the department of manners and compassion, especially when Muse A shows difficulty harnessing their new abilities. Muse B is condescending and impatient often without provocation. One day, Muse A meets their wit’s end with Muse B’s treatment and they demand to know why Muse B is so hostile toward them. Muse B reveals that they come from rival families and they are only teaching Muse A due to the terms of a 1,000 year old truce. Once Muse A has mastered their gift, however, the ceasefire will be over. And the families will once again be at odds. I would be Muse A, preferably with water. [/hider] [hider=Can't Live With You] Muse A and Muse B find an apartment online that they both love. Though they’re strangers when they sign the lease, they agree to share the place. A few days after the move in, they start to question the arrangement. Muse A is quiet and neat. Muse B is loud and messy. Muse A has a decent job and pays most of the rent, Muse B recently got fired from their job, hasn’t told Muse A yet, and isn’t in a rush to find a replacement job. Muse A is the responsible type, and Muse B couldn’t take care of a goldfish. Muse A likes their privacy and Muse B is happy walking around the apartment half-naked and entering their roommate’s space without knocking. They hardly agree on anything, from what to order for dinner to what temperature to keep the thermostat on. Just when Muse A is reaching their breaking point and on the verge of giving up the apartment they love to move back home because Muse B is driving them crazy and they can’t keep up with bills on their own, Muse A suffers a major setback/loss and Muse B is the only person who understands/can help them get through it. [/hider] [hider=Beyond the Kingdom] Muse A is a princess/prince living in a peaceful kingdom, with no knowledge of the whole other realm that exists beyond its borders. While wandering in the forest near dusk, much to their escort’s dismay, the kingdom comes under attack by creatures/beings thought only to exist in fairytales and ancient legends. When a rider comes to warn Muse A that the castle has been taken, they are beseeched to flee to safety. Fearing for their parents’ lives, Muse A refuses to run away and makes haste back to the castle. Before they can reunite with their royal parents, Muse A is captured by the enemy. Muse B is Muse A’s captor, who is under orders from their king/queen to kidnap the prince/princess for the purposes of ransom. Muse A is taken to the other realm, where no person in the kingdom has ever gone. Muse A is locked up in a cell with Muse B as their guard. Despite the circumstances, Muse B treats Muse A with compassion, providing companionship, kind words and extra sustenance. After a few days of captivity, Muse A and Muse B are managing to get along; Muse A is terribly homesick and worried about the state of their kingdom. In an act of selflessness, Muse B helps Muse A escape. Muse B promises to keep Muse A safe from harm, as long as Muse A does not run away from them. Muse A agrees and Muse B keeps their promise. One night, while they’re asleep in the forest, soldiers from Muse A’s fallen kingdom attack. They rescue Muse A and take Muse B as prisoner. Upon returning to the castle, Muse B is imprisoned. Feeling for their captor/turned savior, Muse A shows Muse B the same compassion and care that Muse B showed them while they were imprisoned. With the threat of backlash from the other realm looming, will Muse A and Muse B’s budding friendship survive? Will Muse A appeal to the king and queen to spare Muse B’s life and to end the impending war between realms? I would play royalty. Cliche, I know.[/hider] [hider=Power Couple]Muse A and Muse B are two halves of an A-list celebrity couple. Together, they have millions of adoring fans and millions of dollars to spend on whatever they could possibly desire. Despite the occasional tabloid article, Muse A and Muse B seem to be living a Hollywood love story, complete with cozy rendezvous in VIP sections of the hottest nightclubs, romantic dinners at the chef’s table in the trendiest restaurants, and affectionate touches on the red carpet at public appearances. Being as famous as they are, Muse A and Muse B are mobbed by paparazzi everywhere they go. Outside of their glamorous, gated home, the star couple can’t get a moment of privacy. But that’s perfectly alright with them because the truth is that Muse A and Muse B are together strictly for publicity. Behind closed doors, Muse A and Muse B absolutely despise one another and they secretly do everything they can to sabotage the other’s career. [/hider] [hider=Beauty and the Boss]Muse A is the daughter of a man with a serious gambling problem. He’s a sweet man, always doting on Muse A with her favorite books and rare flowers, but he’s up to his ears in debt after borrowing money from the wrong people. One afternoon, Muse A’s father is confronted by Muse B, the ruthless crime boss of the city. Few people have ever seen Muse B’s face, as his henchmen usually do his dirty work, but everyone knows his name and cowers in fear appropriately. Muse A’s father owes Muse B a considerable debt, which he cannot pay. Rather than kill the man, Muse B offers a trade – the man's beautiful daughter in exchange for the forgiveness of his financial debts. He has one night to make this deal happen or Muse B will come for him. When Muse A’s father explains the predicament to her, she is willing to go, as long as it ensures the safety of her family and her father promises to put an end to his troublesome gambling habits. Muse A moves in to Muse B’s mansion outside of town the following day. From the moment Muse A arrives, Muse B is on his best behavior, lavishing her with gifts – a library wing for her, a pretty garden filled with the finest, imported roses – jewelry, and so on. Gradually, Muse A comes to see that Muse B isn’t a horrible person, behind closed doors, but the circumstances of their arrangement (and the terrible crimes he commits as a crime boss) make it difficult for her to fall in love with him as he’s fallen in love with her. Each time Muse B proposes marriage, Muse A refuses. Muse A becomes terribly homesick and begs to be allowed to visit her father. Muse B allows her to leave him as long as she returns to him within a week’s time. While Muse A is away, Muse B is attacked by a disloyal bunch of conspiring underlings. When Muse A returns, she finds Muse B wounded and left for dead in his home office. She realizes in this moment that she does love him and if he recovers she’ll marry him. Her quick actions save his life and once he is well enough, they marry. Not the boss. Once again, so cliche.[/hider] [hider=Ghost]In the prime of their life, Muse A perishes in a tragic car accident. Shortly after, Muse B, who is in desperate need of an organ transplant, gets the call that they’re next on the list for donation. Muse A was an organ donor and because Muse A and Muse B were a perfect match, Muse B becomes a recipient of the vital organ from the recently departed Muse A. The transplant surgery goes well, however there are unforeseen side effects. While in the hospital, Muse B begins to see flashes in the corner of their eye of a person they’ve never seen before, Muse A. At first, Muse B dismisses the creepy sightings, assuming it has something to do with the medications they’re on. Once Muse B’s allowed to go home, the sightings become more frequent and Muse A’s non-corporeal form becomes more vivid. Muse B experiences the shock of their life when Muse A actually begins to speak to them one day, suggesting that they’re now connected somehow because of the transplant. Muse A may be dead, but they’re still hanging around and only Muse B can see them. Muse B is stuck with Muse A’s spirit at their side, and they have to learn how to live together for an indefinite future.[/hider] [hider=A Tale of Two Kingdoms]Muse A is a prince. Muse B is a princess. Both royals are from neighboring kingdoms that have had a tenuous alliance for hundreds of years. Muse A’s kingdom has a formidable army; while Muse B’s kingdom has plentiful gold and silks. War is threatening to come to their lands and the only thing that can secure peace for both kingdoms is a union of families by marriage of the next heirs to the throne. The prince and princess are set to be wed shortly after their first meeting, once Muse B is of age to bear children. At first, the betrothed couple do not get along. Bad blood between their fathers have tainted their views of each other long before they come to meet. Gradually, as they are forced to engage in the courting process for the sake of the kingdoms, their negative impressions of each other fall away. More than happy to add fantasy elements[/hider] [hider=Lovely Keys]Muse A has just received a generous gift of a baby grand piano from a well-off relative who’s passed. Every day Muse A marvels at the gorgeous instrument and runs his/her fingers along the keys wishing he/she could play the thing. After some time, Muse A finally resolves to take piano lessons in honor of their dearly departed. Muse B is giving piano lessons to earn some extra cash. There’s an instant physical attraction between Muse A and Muse B, but the relationship stays professional at first. Over the course of several lessons, an honest, sweet affection between the pair grows. [/hider] [hider=Repercussions]Muse A is a female concentration camp survivor. Muse B is a Nazi officer who, when in the camp, offered extra portions of food and favor to Muse A for sexual acts. They meet in a cafe in the 1960's; while he doesn't remember her, but she remembers him. He feels regret for what he's done but takes responsibility for his actions; after all, Hitler didn't make him act like that. He wants to make it up to Muse A, but she is reluctant. Set in the 1940's and the 1960's.[/hider] Thanks for considering! xx[/hider] I'll add more as I think of them. [/center] [hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmMzZWZlOS5RMjl1ZEdGamRDQk5aUSwsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img] Please don't post here. I probably won't see it. PM me, plox. I look forward to hearing from y'all! [/center]