Five stepped back, knowing that he could not defeat Ozzy at this stage. He had been hoping to merely stall the Demon Child, but it seemed he was no longer necessary. This hadn't happened last time - something must have affected the timeline. But it didn't matter, Cosmos already knew the outcome of this little story. Soon, Minx would appear, and everything would change. This entire battle would be little more than a stepping stone, a playground for building up a sufficient charge of Dark Side energy. Already, he could feel it swirling around, the deaths and hatreds forming together into an almost palpable force. "Well then, I have no need to fight you. We can settle this dispute at a later time. You two gentlemen, however, seem to have a score to settle?" 5 had taken the form of Kevin, and was grinning wildly as he subtly amplified Ozzy's anger. Not with the goal of a Soular Strike as before, but simply to antagonize him. At the same time, he amplified Leeroy's calm, ensuring that he would not rush into battle. He didn't need more enemies to fight, when he could watch them fight one another. The samurai known as Bahamut was expressionless behind his golden mask, but exhileration was blatant in his voice as he shouted with each repeated katana strike. Overcome with the rush of battle, flames bathed his sword and his arms, great dragon wings extending from his back, bahamut was a flurry of raging strikes and parries, always keen to press the attack against this formidable opponent. Cosmos looked up as the mysterious figure appeared from the portal. Carelessly, he simply flung a bolt of flame at what appeared to be a particularly linguistically capable mud golem, only to watch the flames part around the figure's raised hand. The mere fire failing was to be expected, but it had been enchanted to maintain the stickyness of glue - to any other foe, the flames would have formed a constant source of damage throughout the fight. But the mere touch of this creature's skin seemed to break apart the carefully layered yet fragile enchantments Cosmos had placed upon the flames. It was clear this wasn't an ordinary golem. There were a number of creatures that were capable of breaking down complex arcane structures, but they exhibited this capability naturally. To see such a trait in a golem was most unusual, and he would need to study the- A large brown fist swung towards Cosmos, and smashed his face in, sending him crashing to the floor. Why had his shield spells failed? Oh, right. Antimagic. Furthermore, a cold spot could be felt moving along his face. A feeling that he all too well recognized as the death of tissue. Not only were his defenses pierced, the spells maintaining this body for his use were being shattered. If this mud golem was able to get a solid grip, he would be ripped from this body. And even with so many corpses around, with his magic so weakened, it would be nearly impossible to revive himself once more. To face death after all these years, hopping from one body to the next, was a terrifying prospect. It was his fear of death that had first caused him to develop this magic. And it was the same fear now that caused him to propel himself backwards rapidly, instinctively almost, no plan in mind beside the possibility of permanent death. As Eruka and Lisa fled the battlefield, they found themselves suddenly confronted with the floating carriage of the bound girl, Voidwalker, who had struck her mother down in the first place. A single bright purple eye looks on, silently, as Lisa almost reflectively fires a burst of flame - which, of course, never hit it's target. But then came a strange moment of silence, as the floating figure made no offensive move. A kind of static flickered around her, weakening the barrier between dimensions, but no attackw as performed. And yet, making portals while in this girl's presence was a bad idea, Lisa knew that much. If she were to attempt to teleport away, she was sure to end up in some inhospitable location, or simply right back here. It was a standoff, as both parties simply looked at one another, waiting for the other one to take action, either offensive or defensive. The two figures observed the fight, cloaked in shadows. One turned to the other, his voice inhumanly deep. "I believe this is my cue. Wish me luck, honey". "Don't worry, I'll catch it all on tape." "Hmm, I'll see it all when we get back" "What, do you have that little faith in the boss?" "Perhaps. we'll see." The figure with the deep voice teleported away, seeming to simply step into the darkness and vanish. Meanwhile, the other spread it's wings, staring out into the battlefield, a tiny little camcorder in hand, the lens flare oddly piercing the unnatural shadows. Softly, it whistled under it's breath as it filmed the ordeals going on.