[b]UPDATE: IF YOU WANT TO JOIN, PLEASE DO SO QUICKLY! THE IC WILL START SOON! YOU MUST PLACE A CS IN THE OOC SECTION FIRST! UPDATE: WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING ALPHAS, AND THERE ARE ONLY ONE OR TWO SPOTS LEFT FOR OMEGAS![/b] [i]Werewolves were once the most plentiful of the supernatural creatures. Their packs numbered in he hundreds all over the world, and they didn't even need to turn people - as their seasons of mating were all successful and puppy-filled. But then, the humans grew too scared. They grew too scared of the Were's growing numbers, of their incredible superhuman strength and abilities. Throughout hundreds of years the humans learned their weaknesses. wolfs-bane, silver, and others, and the hunt that was once a small nuisance to the Weres was an all out war. A war that they were loosing to a startling extent. By the modern era, it is estimated that over 80 percent of the original population has been wiped out. Its estimated that in California alone, the population of werewolves went from 12000 to 1200, with only about a dozen or so packs, and dwindling further with each passing year. Worse still, the stress of the hunting has led women to infertility, or worse - miscarriage. Some of the smaller packs are getting desperate, going into town to find those with what they deem "No good life" and taking them into the pack, biting them and turning them in a desperate attempt to increase numbers. [/i] In this roleplay, you either play a werewolf, someone to be turned, or a hunter. [hider=Werewolf 101] Werewolves to [i]not[/i] live in the forest. They live in the city like everyone else. They own whole apartment buildings that house everyone of the pack (occasionally housing more than one pack for safety reasons) Werewolves are more like the folklore ones in this case, but I'm being nice and making them Irish style, which means that they can control themselves when they turn on the full moon, and only go blood hungry as a last resort. Two alphas per pack maximum: 1 male and 1 female - usually but not exclusively a couple Omegas: The peacekeepers. They try to mitigate and mediate violence between other clans and are considered the best fighters and negotiators Betas: Regular members of the pack. They are not all powerful, but they are stronger than humans [/hider] [hider=Werewolf Hunter 101] Werewolf hunters use silver weapons and silver weapons only, and usually wear perfumes of wolfsbane Most of them are born into it (family heritage) but some are pushed to it. They are not as strong as werewolves, but they plan everything carefully. [/hider] For humans being turned: You are only being turned if you are deemed "worthy" of it. That criteria is as follows: Little to no immediate family, unmarried, permanent resident, and not a total douchebag. [hider=Setting] Greyville, California Greyville is a small town in Northern California, a mile or so away from California State Route 36. It is near North Rattlesnake Creek. There is a population of just 300. Houses are standard to other houses in the state, except due to the low population, hoses are able to have large gardens, typically at least an acre per house. The town has a moderate climate, but can get cold at night, and on some days the town can experience a temperature rise. The town is surrounded by forests, and there are a few farms. The werewolf pack owns an apartment building which the whole pack pays for, and nearly all of them live there. There is a pub in the town which the pack like to visit, especially on nights before the full moon. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Appearance: (image or description is fine) Human, werewolf, or hunter?: If werewolf: Alpha, beta, or omega? If hunter: Were you born into it or did you become one by choice? If human, what is your life like? Background: [/hider] Hey! This is a reboot of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/68342-werewolves-are-endangered/ooc]a roleplay[/url] that [@NanixErka] did a while back, and I missed it, so I decided that I'd reboot it! Please ask if you would like to be an Alpha, make sure that there aren't too many Omegas, and that there are a diverse mix! I'd like to see some people who have been a werewolf for a while, but also some new comers! If you were in this roleplay before, feel free to use your previous character (but ask me if they were an Alpha)! Everything above "Hey! This is..." was written by NanixErka in the original roleplay, but I've spell checked it. I've also added the setting. Thanks! Hope to see your character sheets soon! [b]Please post your character sheets here before I accept them, then they can go into the characters tab![/b]