The idea for this RP is pretty simple, actually. Two kids, both of different upbringings, get detention. They meet there, and they make a connection. What unfolds is the story of their friendship, and what it evolves into. All I ask is that you bring something to the table, weather it be a new, interesting idea or addition to the RP, or incredible grammar, or an interesting perspective, whathaveyou. (well, that, and dont respond with just one line of text. Gimme at [i]least[/i] a paragraph!) I'm sure we can make this RP interesting! Now, I personally like to RP as a male, because thats what I am, and it's what I know, and I should probably stick to what I know, right? So I'll be RPing as a dude, so if that brings you in, or turns you off, I suppose it's good to know. As far as what their relationship develops into, that can be anything. Hate, love, friendship, frienemies, fuckbuddies, the sky's the limit! If you're interested, reply here or PM me!