The wood creaked behind her and she fell back with a yelp. Van lied on her back, staring at the a high wooden ceiling. The others rushed inside and she scrambled to her feet, helping close the opening she had fallen through. The rumbling of the earth became more forceful with each step that the monster took, closer and closer to the tree they hid in. She held her breath, nerves tingling, and hoped that it would not detect them. The creature rumbled past them, it's heavy steps becoming less powerful as it went farther away. After she could no longer hear its footsteps, she exhaled in relief and turned to look at the rest of the occupants in the tree; a small pink creature was talking with the yellow bear, in a similarly cutesy voice. She sat on a nearby chair and silently surveyed the room; it was larger than it seemed on the outside--a cozy home carved within the depths of an old tree. Her mind was running with questions, and she numbly muttered an affirmative to the pink animal, who placed a cup of hot tea in her hands. She took to spoon and swirled the drink, watching the tea leaves rise and fall. After a swig that left her coughing and gasping, she slammed the mug on the table, "Where am I? Why are we here? I want to go home!" She wiped the tears that began to fall, and shook her head. Her tongue burned, her body heart, and she was utterly confused. She willed the anger and sadness that welled in her chest to subside and she took multiple deep breaths, clutching onto her necklace for support. "S-sorry," she said, after a few moments of silence,"I just don't like not knowing what's going on."