[h3]Sebastian[/h3] Sebastian had been making his way towards the outskirts of the city when he happened on a confrontation between a merchant woman and a guard, one that quickly turned sour as she launched an assault against him when the Stoutland sniffed her out to be a Morph. From the shadows, he watched as she quickly hid her cart before leaving the area, the guard and Stoutland coming just as she disappeared up into the rooftops. [color=39b54a][i]Well, well, what a wonderful opportunity that has been presented to me.[/i][/color] Sebastian thought with a mischievous grin, sneaking his way to the hastily hidden cart, reaching into his pack to pull out his lock picking gear as he approached. Good thing to, as it had been locked, though so hastily that he could easily break into a few compartments, taking a few of the shinier looking bits and baubles, such as a few evolutionary stones, some regular jewels, and even a quick claw. After he had gotten all he could risk taking, putting it in a hidden compartment inside of his pack, he re locked everything and made for the forest that surrounded the city again, at a much more hurried pace. He still made sure to keep to the shadows, but he knew that some morphs had a damn good nose, so he didn't want to risk sticking around long enough for her to find him. He did put down some liquified shavings of Quazar's scales, the scent of the Legendary very much overpowering his own, over and around the area of the cart, but that still didn't guarantee anything. He would make it to the forest a few minutes after leaving the scene of his crime, in which he would take flight through the trees, moving as swiftly as an Ambipom through the branches away from the city towards a campsite he had made a few leagues away from the city. He really hoped that Quazar would come by soon, as he didn't want to be at that camp if the Morph did end up finding his trail. John Flares "I see, a family dispute is it? Damn shame Axia had to get caught up in all of this, but at least it gives me an excuse to bash in some skulls. Your brother's can be one of them, if you don't mind, or do you want to save that honor for yourself." John said with a smile as he stared back into her eyes, the concern that had filled them before warring with the madness that was starting to rear its ugly head, causing the the drumming of his fingers to take on a violent, yet rhythmic pace as he turned to look forward. He made a gesturing motion for her to lead the way with the hand that held the mace, the sunlight glinting of the sharp, blood red edges. "Please lead the way, as I'm not familiar with the area. Also, my names is John Flares, in case you're wondering, and would you please tell me yours. It's always best to know the names of the people you go to battle with." Korrigan Umbrasis and Shade Shade puffed himself up as Garet called him a god, causing Korrey to rolls his eyes and elbowed the legendary, receiving a half-hearted peck in response. "I'm a noble in name, if not manner, and the fact that you are only vaguely familiar with my house means you must've really been out of the loop, wherever it is you lived, since House Umbraisis is one of the oldest and most influential of the Lugereian Noble Houses, as well as the house that reigns over the Lugerian Military. Shade here is the family guardian, Yveltal, and my companion since I was chosen as a little boy. But that aside, pleasure to meet you." Korrey may have gone on from their, but he heard Sophia shifting behind him, so he quickly turned to see if she was alright. "Glad to see you join the land of the living Sophia, now can you tell me how you got injured? Do you think you can get up, as we should really get you to a healer. I did my best to patch you up, but my medical knowledge is severely lacking." Korrey smiled at her, before turning back to Garet and Picis. "If you want, you're free to join us, Garet, at the more the merrier I always say." Shade, seeing as how there was presently no need for him anymore, slipped away into Korrey's shadow. [@Aphelion] [@Enalais]