[hider=Michael Spencer] [i]"I solemly swear that I am up to no good..."[/i] [img]http://www.independent.co.uk/migration_catalog/article5101349.ece/alternates/w620/eoghan-quigg.jpeg[/img] Name: Michael Spencer Age: 14 School Year: Fourth House: Ravenclaw Short Bio: Being raised by a magic family Michael was quite accustomed to the world of magic. He had three older sibling, all of which had attended Hogwarts. Two of them had already finished and had jobs and their own families. This was his older brother Mark and his older sister Nicole. His last sibling was also an older sister, Megan, who was in her seventh year at Hogwarts, though the two haven't spoken much since the accident three years ago that killed their parents during Michael's first year at Hogwarts. The two each live with one of their older siblings so they don't see each other that often unless it's Christmas or a special occasion that all of the siblings get together for. As for school Michael wasn't the most social kid his first year since his parents died less than a week after he left for school. So he didn't really make any friends and was labeled that kid that was always off on his own. This really didn't change until his third year where he finally was able to stop hiding from everything around him. Michael even got an award for his art and has become slightly known around the school for it, at least to some of those who liked art. His goals for the fourth year are hopefully to try out for the Quidditch team, make more friends, create more music and art, and maybe become decent at using defensive spells! Personality: Michael used to be very quiet and seclusive, while yes this isn't the case anymore and he is quite open and eager to meet new people now, the old self tends to slip back in every now and then, but now that he has some friends it's a lot easier for him to recover and continue on with his life. Michael is an art lover. He seeks to draw, or paint the world in all it's beauty and even the music he plays becomes an art. Sadly the same cannot be said for his skills with a wand. He is highly intelligent in the way that he thinks, as long as he applies himself it will also show, but that's the trick! He needs to apply himself to more than what he wants too. Classes taken: -Defense Against the Dark Arts -Charms -Care of Magical Creatures -Art -Music Wand: 10 inch, Rowan Wood, Unicorn Hair Core Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, String Instruments, Swimming, enjoys watching Quidditch (Would like to be on the team just hasn't tried for it(Also can see the snitch but would rather be a chaser for the teamwork of it so keeps it hidden that he can see the snitch)), and loves chess to keep his mind thinking. Pets: A black swan he calls Eclipse. [/hider]