Lea tuned in when the teacher started speaking about the school and about those with personal IS like herself. She was not excited about the introductions as she was shy about talking in front of a whole class room of strangers from other countries. The boy in the class introduced himself as Azure Yamaguchi who was half-Japanese which she thought would make him feel at home more than most of the representatives from other countries. After him most of the other students introduced themselves and Lea realized that most of the class was Japanese with only a few representatives. When it came to Lea's turn, she stood up at attention next to her desk and looked around at the classroom. "M-my name is Lea Sartre and I am the Representative Candidate from Switzerland. Please to meet you all and hope we can get along." She told the class with a smile and a slight bow before sitting back down at her desk and hoping she didn't draw to much attention to herself.