Raising his arms over his face, Mikkish darted, appearing to change shape to a dark blur moving at bullet speeds, right into both halves. Mikkish made a direct hit on the first, and the first flew off course and knocked into the other half. Both halves wound up on the ground. Neither touched David, though that's not to say it would have done much if they had. "Hey! The kids retarded. Its not right!" Mikkish said to Remliel "I appreciate you stepping in to help me, not saying I don't. And I gotta say, you're pretty incredible. So is he." This was unlike Mikkish. He didn't actually care, and in fact probably would have been more amused to let them fight each other, but the fact was it was probably a dangerous place, this island, to have people who could increase their strength, start fires, and god knows what else. Plus, Mikkish doubted that just because people knew magic, the island was different from any other place. There were ghettos and drug dens probably, just like anywhere else. Hell, the bus took them through such an area. Fact is, he needed to make connections fast. And it would be most convenient to friend these two, Remliel and David. They all came on in the boat. He probably wasn't on good terms with Leon, having fired off his gun and wasted one of his bullets. Mikkish hoped the guy wasn't gonna blow his face off next time they saw each other.