He should have moved, could HAVE moved but Junior had instructed him clearly, that he should catch it……catch it with his mouth. That sounded fun, slobber was drooping down from his lower lip at the sheer epicness of playing catch with his teeth. Maybe he'd even get a cool nickname like DD. David Dog or Dog David.....ooooooooooh OR MAYBE SOMETHING FANCY! Like David THE Dog. He opened his mouth wide but frowned once he noticed his arms and legs were being restrained by....BY....BLACK THINGS!!! Then his frown only deepened once the two pieces of cars came to a halt just at his feet, like they'd been forcibly stopped. "Awwwwww....WHAT HAPPENED!?" He snorted. He growled concentrating on Hikaru's binds. It took several moments before of thrashing and pulling before he managed to tear the binds off of himself. "This stuff sure is sticky." He said sticking out his tongue. "I know about the sticky white stuff but this black stuff, does the black stuff come out of the other end?" He asked viciously yanking his right leg up to break the leg binds.