Just as Finley was trying to stop the thrown vehicle Mikkish stepped in. She pulled her energy back in and took a deep breath, glad that he stepped in when he did. She watched the conversation ensue. Someone knew black magic? The red haired girl? Her eyes danced over the faces of the four gifted beings. Watching them made a smirk pull at the corner of her full lips. She was lost in thought when the first student attacked Mikkish. Surely one of the others down there would help. The group of newcomers she had arrived with were sure making a name for themselves- she thought silently as she stood next to her new roommate she had just met. Finley looked down to see Mikkish have his eggs encompassed in ice. She didn't know of she could help, what if she burned him? She should just stay here. She was sure 3rd degree burns would hurt much worse than a few bruises from getting punched or kicked.