Awesome, I will. I actually have a Faery from another rp who would fit perfectly with this storyline. In that rp she works with a worldwide agency that investigates major supernatural happenings. It's comprised mostly of humans, with a few choice others for support, who only investigate when things get out of hand. She's been searching for an ancient demon for like 7k years now and had agreed to help the agency in exchange for any information she could find on him. She's a field agent though, on a very unofficial contract which means whenever the trail dries up she moves on to the next place. She's been searching through major cities the last couple of years, the most recent, and still ongoing in another rp being NYC, and I think if she got any wind of what was going on in New Camden she would either assume it was the demon she's looking for that was causing the ruckus, or that he would certainly be trying to join forces with whomever was taking over. I'd think it'd be pretty nice to send her on a separate assignment like this, I just gotta add some tweaks. c: Also, for the "Yes, and:" should I be getting an okay from whatever characters I'll be making mine know somehow or should I just wing it? I'm also assuming there's only a need to know a few of the characters, and others she should meet IC, since she only recently would have gotten to the city?