"Gosh! You sure have a taste for violence..." stated Hikaru. [i]Shall I jump into?[/i] Wondered Hikaru. She didn't care about the event and truly she just felt like having fun seeing the two student's cruel fate. On the other hand, she could always get on their good side, after that it would be easy to play with them. Though revealing her skills would be risky, the fact that she used Dark Magic, which happens to be taboo apparently, was already dangerous. She sighed.... "All right then...." The girl fished through her pockets until she found what seemed to be a harmless coin. She threw it against the ground with no real aim yet made sure that it fell within the group that was fighting. All without moving from her position. Then, the debris of the truck became alive, or it seemed like that at least. With a buzz the pieces were apparently propelled against the center of the small battle. Thus, as if several rocks were to be falling, the debris moved like an horizontal avalanche defying the laws of physics. They had no human target, the debris simply targeted the coin, however, any person who stood in their path would be surely hit by one the heavily accelerated pieces. Law of attraction, or magnetism. To enchant something and place it upon a living being turns to be a task of moderate difficulty, however, to apply the same effect to a non living, unanimate object or place was easy, and thus, for Hikaru to force the coin enchantment was incredible easy, almost effortless. She stood there doing nothing, just watching as several bodies were impacted by the bullet like pieces of the truck, some slightly wounded, others fell, some broke their bones. Even with that it was a fairly weak move, anyone knowing the position of the center of attraction could easily avoid it, or even break it by throwing the coin to a different place. But they were a violent crowd and that was her advantage. Hikaru's gift wasn't the strongest one, in fact it was weak and easy to interrupt, however, the girl knew how to apply it and that gave her the advantage, also, although weak, an item could be enchanted in several, almost endless ways, thus she had a wide array of movements she could use as advantage. [i]Will they notice such small detail as someone throwing a coin? Even if they do, they won't understand what's going on, Even if they do, they'll think my magic is gravity related... This is so much fun [/i] thought the girl with a seemingly innocent face.