[@Trinais] My plan was to have had them come across each other when he was traveling in Europe. According to her real backstory she would have been there around the same time for unrelated reasons. It would probably have been a "brief" encounter. Long enough for them to be pals, but probably not to have shared much more than a few laughs and light hearted stories. She's just coming to visit, I suppose. [quote=@HeySeuss] As to that agency thing, it probably gets a bit of government work out of it. So perhaps she got sent into New Camden, only to find out that it's not so easy to get back and report in that no, it's not her demon, it's probably something a lot worse; Nemsemet is, and I keep saying that OOC and ICly, a certifiable nightmare. Edit: The only thing I really object to is 7K years. I'd prefer a less over the top number. Maybe a parent got offed a couple hundred years ago and she inherited the obligation to continue the search -- that'd be a very faerie thing to have happen. [/quote] Yeah that's what I was going for. I thought since she'd be relatively close to the area, and her search in NYC was coming to an end, it would fit that she got sent to check in there, and then to just take it from there. As for her age, it doesn't particularly play a role in anything she does. She'd been secluded in the Fae Realm up until the last couple hundred years when humans began to become aware of the supernaturals living among them again. Her lover was killed all that time ago, and one of her wings stolen, but she's only been actively searching the earth for a couple hundred years. For this type of Fae they don't have access to their entire lifespans worth of memories or knowledge. Most of it is stored in the Fae Realm, and since she's stuck here, she's disconnected from the rest of her life. It's mostly backstory paint, it doesn't do anything for her character.