Aura smiled upon hearing her mission. [i]It is time to see the results of my real training,[/i] she thought to herself. She wasn't scared of some low-class demons. While threatening to untrained humans, these sort of goons could be easily killed with enough firepower. The type of enemies that can be riddled with bullets and left to rot. [i]Target practice.[/i] Aura noted the rifle at Karnage's side. There would be no danger, so her confidence was exceptionally high. She looked over at the dark figure brooding in the shadows, her arms folded across her chest. Reiko could not be as confident about their prospects, if she was being honest. Her chest still hurt whenever she breathed too heavily or moved too swiftly. She wasn't a fighter to start with, and her ability to play the flute would be hampered at best, null and void at worst. It was unfortunate, but she would have to play a supportive role in this mission. The weight of her clothing reassured her that she would not be without weapons, even in an emergency. In short, she was weakened, but with proper preparation and caution, it was possible to pass through many situations with your skin intact. Lucaris seemed troubled to Reiko, like he had before. Whatever he was going through, it seemed that he was still not prepared to share it with anybody... that was fine. Reiko herself had not yet opened up, so how could she judge the boy for his own trust issues? Aura spoke up after taking stock of the situation. "Is this all of us, then? Is it time to get to the hunt?" Her eyes seemed to twinkle with anticipation as she spoke, the massive sword on her back looking like it was prepared to leap out of its sheath to her assistance at any moment.