Aldeo is WIP for now~ I'll add 2 Sith later on. [hider=Master Aldeo Sabalya] [B]Name:[/B] Aldeo Sabalya [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 40 [B]Alignment:[/B] Light, and has very strong resolve/willpower [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG][/IMG] [B]Faction:[/B] Jedi Remnants [B]Role/Rank:[/B] Sentinel/Master [B]Weapons:[/B] 1x Green Lightsaber [B]Force Powers:[/B] Core Abilities [B]Equipment/Items:[/B] Standard Jedi equipment [B]Backstory/Personality:[/B][/hider] [hider=Padawan Aura] [B]Name:[/B] Aureno 'Aura' [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral - often torn between Light & Dark [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG][/IMG] [B]Faction:[/B] Jedi Remnants "It's not like I have a choice..." [B]Role/Rank:[/B] Guardian/Padawan [B]Weapons:[/B] 2x Blue Lightsabers (Will find the image soon..) [B]Force Powers:[/B] Core Abilities, and nothing else. [B]Equipment/Items:[/B] Standard Jedi equipment [B]Backstory/Personality:[/B] Aureno Corona is the child of a now missing Jedi Knight. She was born a Force-sensitive, but her mother refused to have her taught by the New Jedi Order in favour of giving young Aureno a normal, more peaceful life. But after living in peace with family friends on Coruscant for a time, the Sith Empire began their attack. Coruscant was swept up, and like many force-sensitives on the planet, Aura was to be hunted down and captured. But before she could be taken, a Jedi Master who survived the extermination suddenly arrived and destroyed the Jedi Hunters. Master Sabalya gave the girl two lightsabers - her mothers - and told her that the Republic needed her help if they were to stop the Sith from regaining control of the galaxy. Aura knew not what she should do, or if she really wanted to be thrown into the war, ...but she agreed. Half the time she believes she can get vengeance for her mother's presumed assassination, and the other half she believes that the Sith and the Dark Side should not be allowed to consume the galaxy... Torn between what's right and self-satisfaction, justice and revenge, this is where the story of a reluctant Jedi begins.[/hider]