Real World Name: Alexander Luthor Age: 17 (Maybe eighteen now? he can't remember) Real World Bio: He always loved taking risks, doing stupid things, thats why he started base jumping. his family told him not to do it, his heart said go for it, so he started to base jump. and it went well for a few months untill something snagged his chute on the way down, he landed aquardly, he hang on to life through raw stubbornness, Now in a comma, he drifted in to the Vivi-dream less than a hour after passing out, he knows not when he'll wake, or if his real world body will just fail him. Oneiros Name: Dice, Appearance: [img=] Oneiros Bio: He likes to explore, and to prod around in other peoples 'mental zones' as he calls them, but if one wants to find him they can always head to the place he's started to call home, on the outside it looks somewhat like a garden shed but once inside, (and you pick up the right flower pot) you end up in a mad house almost, a crazy place, a maze filled with all sorts of traps. non of them quite as lethal as the look, though they will take off your arm. due to this mad living space he can regenerate his body at a supernatural rate and he also can rapidly create situational energy bursts. For example if someone had just fired a bullet at him he could create a Kenetic burst of energy, hurling the round away from him, these can be directed and shaped in to attacks. though he dislikes fighting if he can avoid it. ----- Real World Name: Richard Armstrong Age: 14 Real World Bio: Born on remembrance day, he's always had a morbid fascination with death, somewhat reveling in the fact that his birthday was on the same date as the greatest slaughter in history ended. with a twisted sense of humor and glee in seeing others suffer he was quite a solitary person, and so it remains. Oneiros Name: Erebus Appearance: Due to his powers he has two apperances, one is a scrap of shadow or cloth, drifting through the air or across the floor, the other is a grim reaper like figure, though it is shorter than the reaper should be and is without a scythe it is still a skeletal figure with black feathered wings and a long cloak. Oneiros Bio: Without a place his own mind has created (Yet) he wonders from realm to realm, talking to who he can and struggling with his own inner turmoil, the more he learns about this place the more he likes it and wants to help those there, yet he revels in their suffering and causing them pain. he can switch between two forms, the scrap form is etherial and can fly, while the 'grim reaper' form can only walk/run, the wings do little to help. he carries with him a long sword which he claims is capable of slicing through anything as if it were air, and so far it appears to be true, however he has not used it on another 'walker' as he calls himself. the sword can also discharge bursts of etheric energy in the form of shockwaves, these are very short-range and have only enough power to throw the foe seven or eight meters backwards.