[img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/193/a/c/air_temple_island_by_messengerpigeon-d56zs5h.png[/img] Hundreds of years after Korra, the world needed its avatar more than ever. Dark spirits tormented innocent civilians for unknown reasons. These same dark spirits had killed Inie's parents. She then left to try and find people to help her stop the world from descending into darkness. This is where our story begins. Inie stood at air temple island clutching her glider. Memories from her past clouded her mind, some good and some bad. They were memories of her past family at the western air temple. They were memories that she was trying to lose. No, she needed them. They would be her drive to end this terrible dark spirit epidemic. She was looking upon Republic City, a place where she could surely find people to help her with her cause. Inie jumped into the air, her glider opening as she soared towards the city that resembled hope to her. She flew through the air, now flying above the streets of Republic City. Suddenly, she heard screams. They were coming from near the wilds so she flew in that direction. Smoke was rising in the air and people were running away from one particular spot that she couldn't quite see through the smoke. Whatever had happened, she was determined to find out.