Mind if I join? [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs31/300W/f/2008/229/1/0/RedMage_by_FantasyAce.jpg[/img] [b]"Don't cross me, for even the almighty Elements shall bend to my will."[/b] Name: Ryan T Alon Age: 16 Gender: Male Talent: Ryan is finely tuned to the elements of magic like Fire, Water, etc. He doesn't specialize in any type of elemental magic and is a jack of all trades. Backstory: Ryan was the son of a owner of a major store in his town (Alon and Along, for all your brewing needs) when he decided he was being pressured too much to take over his father's business so he ran away. Along his journey he discovered his latent magic potential and sought training. After many months he found out about the supposed Master of Magic and began his journey to them. Other: At times Ryan can be very condescending, but he tries to be very down to earth. It's hard though when you've been raised to think you're better than everyone. He also has to deal with kidnappers every now and then, but he's figured out how to deal with them.