[h3]Arachne[/h3] A clack echoed through the open halls of the court, the sound muffled by the large doors at the end. Pulled away as the sound approached, Arachne in her human form, entered. Stepping to the center her heels announced her presence. It was a very rare occasion that she would be summoned directly. No doubt this had to do with the recent development. The neighboring court of New Canden had gone silent. While humans were coming in and out and appeared to be unaffected, anyone or anything related to the supernatural would go in and never be seen or heard from again. So was the case with the Queen's own spiders. None of the ones that were there or went in after were responding back. It was as if they just vanished. Even the human employees that were sent to investigate failed to report in. Only those completely unaware of anything going on returned. Any now she must admit to the court her findings. A brief uproar was raised by the attending members. One of the most informed and far reaching agents available to them told them little more than they already knew. They were not interested in the minor details the spider was able to deduce. They wanted to know what was happening inside and how everything was cut off. Each passing hour the theories that flew about made listening to any of them fruitless. An even more rare and almost unheard of event members from other courts began to arrive. This was no summons, it was an ultimatum. Arachne may have influence and blackmail over several of them, but with as many as were banding together she had little choice but to heed their words. She, among others, were tasked with going to New Camden personally to learn of what was happening and put an end to it. Failure to do so would be severely punished, secrets be damned. With the force on hand to make it happen she relented and was escorted to the safest known distance to New Camden. Calling on her spawn she entered the unknown. Once inside she found that communication within the mysterious barrier still functioned. In the thick of it now she made no hesitation in arranging a place to stay and put every last spider to work collecting information. In the relatively short time that things have been cut off there was very little to go on. It seemed that most here had a spotty idea what truly happened. But what was most unsettling what that the court of New Camden had been completely wiped out.