Name: Maximus Ares Cruz Nickname(s): Max, Ares Gender: Male Age: 17 Nationality: American Appearance: [img] [/img] Personality: Max is someone that would be considered a free spirit. He is always open to trying new things, and he doesnt really care much for the opinion of others. His charm allows him to be able to converse with just about anyone, although some people do find him to be 'bad boy.' Max is very out going and is just about the sweetest comedian you'd ever meet, that is until you spark the fire to the short tempered class clown. He has a dark side to his mind that noone has really seen yet, but as time passes, the thoughts seem to become stronger and ever more enticing. Grades keep themselves averaged between Cs and Bs. Biography: Max came from the wealthier people in America. When he was 8 years old, his parents died, while on their way home to surprise their son with his new puppy, a blue nose pit bull. Miraculously, the puppy was the only survivor and was delivered to the young boy along with the tragic news. With his parents money being transferred directly to him, it was decided that he would be sent to school. With the money of a wealthy and powerful family, he became very out spoken, and fueled a sense of courage from it. Its his first year at the school. Relationships: N/A Other: The pitbull stays on campus with him. His name is Trident. He also has a tattoo of three arrows and a bow on the inside of his left forearm, and a trident going down his spine. Very fond of fighting, and likes to collect swords and knives, countless of which, he keeps in a suitcase under his bed.