[quote=@idlehands] It's even more fun when a GM does this. E: it happens, move on and try again there will be much more failures than successes but one day you'll hit the right mix of story and writers. [/quote] that happens so many times used to be a Sci-fi mercenary thread on here(not gonna name it) that was made by the same person, which generally had the same setup for the first mission. This guy tried to make it twice in about 6 months time and after like half a month of roleplaying each he drops out and says he lost interest and focuses on his other roleplays. Seriously, if you're going to make a thread of that magnitude you don't leave us with our pants down. I don't get how people think that retrying an RP that they let die will work. And yes, I have also seen that dedicated RPers are seldom found. I've been lucky to find two in the last two years of roleplaying on different sites. I had a futuristic warfare roleplay I was making back before the OldGuild was shut down, and EVERYONE showed MASSIVE interest- died out before anyone posted(this also happened with a Planetside 2 thread I had but that actually died out after 3 posts.) That's why I tend to not make the threads and look around. that or take my time and look for reliable roleplayers from the last one's I've been on.