hey found this and it looks awesome heres my CS then: Character Name: Jack 'runner' Smith Age: 34 Appearance:[img=http://xboxoz360.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/ghost-recon-future-soldier-screenshots-oxcgn-1.jpg] Jack has brown hair with muddy blonde streaks through out, he has a scar on his left cheek. His uniform has an Australian symbol on his left shoulder, with an S.A.S.R. badge on his right [B]Personality: Jack is a very joyful person, he seems to take things very lightly making a joke out of most things, but deep inside he realises the seriousness in any mission he is given. He tries to make friends with anyone he meets be it friends or foe, he loves the fresh smell of the tropics, he also likes reading and playing around with his equipment. he hates seeing team mates hurt or dead, in fact this will cause physiological scars that he retains forever. History:Jack 'Runner' Smith was born in Australia, on the 24th of October. He lived with his parents who were constantly moving around due to his parents being military, he was always been in place of danger. Jacks parents were killed in combat by a triggered explosive when he was 15, he was then sent back to Australia to live with his Aunt. He enlisted at the age of 18 being deployed to different battles around the world. At the age of 27 Jack was promoted to sergeant and given his own team. In an insurgency mission in Afghanistan Jack's team was sent to capture a political target, when they arrived at the target location multiple explosions went off and killed half of his team, the rest were captured along with him. They were thrown into a single cell and tortured on a daily basis trying to obtain information about their plans. Jack never broke instead he just made a joke out of it as he usually did, in the end he was stabbed in the cheek and sent back to Australia in a wooden box, the rest of his team died. The S.A.S.R. then debriefed him about what happened, he was recommended for a Victorian cross but refused saying that the men who died deserved it more than he did. instead the offered him a place in their ranks. By the age of 34 Jack had been assigned over 40 high risk missions including the ones he did before S.A.S.R., he successfully completed 39. Because of this high success rate the S.A.S.R recommended him to the blaze unit. Special Talents or Skills:Jack always had an uncanny skill for covering long distances quickly, so he increased his speed by placing cybernetic enhancements into his legs, he also acquired a talent of moving around quietly. Personal Weapons & Equipment: AUG steyr A3 [img=http://emptormaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/AUG_A3_USA_NATO.jpg] Berreta m9 [img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/M9-pistolet.jpg] Gerber LHR Combat Knife [img=http://images.bidorbuy.co.za/user_images/307/1619307/1619307_120704201702_lhr.jpg] Tactical Glasses [img=http://www.popularairsoft.com/files/images/Vuzix-Tac-Eye-LT_01.jpg] Personal Theme: [youtube]RRkIQ1Djlbs[/youtube]