Orange flames licked towards the ceiling and smoke begun to filter through the rafters. Suddenly there was some cheering and clapping and a slight sizzle as the fillet steak landed back onto the wok. A quick flick of the wrist and the steak then slid into the bowl to the side. There was a slightplop as it splashed slightly in the stock and sat on the vegetables that were already in there. Turning Zhao then gave the bowl a quick flash of flame before walking it out to the table of the customer. "Fillet steak ramen, extra beansprouts." The man smiled and Zhao did a slight bow before returning to the wok. Grabbing a scourer he filled the wok with some water and scrubbed away the oil and grime. It was only half an hour before the lunch rush and already most of the tables were full. Of course the Grill had takeaway bowls however the atmosphere of the grill was warm and most people wanted to stay and sit down with friends. Checking the supplies one more time Zhao grabbed himself a small bowl he had made earlier and heated it up, flames from his hands charring the bowl. Walking outside he sat down on one of the tables outside. Using a spoon he lapped down the chicken stock and vegetables. Saving the sliced chunks of chicken for the end. Watching the world go by was a nice pastime and Zhao enjoyed the colours of downtown. Just then Zhao spotted a large herd of people moving towards the shop. Sighing about how busy the street got he stood and walked back into the Flaming Grill. Taking a position behind the desk he ignited the grill and started heating up the wok, pouring in some oil and got out a tub of vegetables. Zhao had the shop to himself today, his parents were out having a day to themselves. Just then the crowd rushed past and there was a crash. A table ended up hurled through the window, making glass fly everywhere. Zhao ducked down underneath the desk and heard as people were screaming now, more glass breaking bounced off of the walls and Zhao finally peeked his head over the top. The crowd was still hurtling past but it was thinner. Just then the crowd was gone and everything seemed silent. Tilting his head Zhao continued to study the window. A black, almost holographic hand suddenly curled its way around the edge of the window and Zhao's eyes went wide. The hand then pulled a large body into view. "Oh god no-" Zhao jumped down behind the counter again and scrambled to try and get into the back room. The sound of wood stretching and warping echoed and then the sound morphed into splintering and cracking. Sitting up Zhao tried to see what was going on. The entire front of the shop had been ripped open and the dark spirit had stepped into the shop. ZHao was struggling to control his breathing and was tring to get out of the back door without notifying the spirit of his existence. As he crawled towards the bag door he could hear the spirit getting closer and closer. Finally he turned a corner and sat with his back up against the wall. The entire room felt cold and he could tell the spirit was just behind the wall. However, just as soon as it had arrived, it was gone and Zhao looked around quick enough just to see the back of the spirit leaving. Shaking now Zhao got up and stumbled to the bac door. He was in the middle of a panic attack and finally getting to the alley behind the shop he collapsed down.